I was hunting for my prey when I saw a girl with her dog. I followed them for a while before pouncing on them. The girl screamed and ran away. Her dog followed her. She was a fast runner but I was faster. I watched as she tripped over on a tree root. Her leg was bleeding. It left a trail for me to follow. I heard someone else coming. It was another girl. I ran and hid behind a tree. I watched as the girl talked to my food. The girl then started to help the other girl stand up.
I watched as they walked away. I caught the girl ,who was helping my food walk away, name “Chrissy”. I followed far behind them because of the dog. Chrissy had a camp site set up. I made my plan and then left to ensure it. I waited until night. I walked back and I realized there were two tents. I walked over to the closest one.
I walked around trying to see if the two girls were in there. The tent started opening. It was a different girl. I watched her walk over to the seconded tent. I heard her speak “Chrissy, can I come inside your tent, I don’t want to be alone. I keep hearing noises in the forest.” Chrissy was the name of the girl who helped my prey get away. I heard Chrissy say she could come inside her tent. My prey was also in the tent which meant I was in fact at the right place. I saw the tent open more, then I saw my prey’s head peak outside the tent. She looked nervous then horrified. She backed away then I heard that stupid dog start barking. It poked its head out. I started to reach for the cursed animal mimicking its owner.
“Oh there you are Rome, I’ve been looking for you.” I heard something or someone fall while someone else yelled “ROME NO!” and I got hold of the beast. I pulled it out of the tent and started dragging it into the forest to eat. But then I heard the tent open while I was dragging the beast. I let it go and ran back to the tent. Where the girls were. I found a car and got on top of it. Then I saw the three girls running to the car. The one with darkish brown hair and ocean blue eyes was helping the one with lighter brown hair.
The third one had strawberry blonde hair and pale blue grey eyes. She opened the driver's seat door and jumped in. The darkish brown hair one helped get the one with lighter brown hair into the car. That’s when I made my move. I leaned over the car and lowered my head down. I jumped at her. I slashed her chest and was now on top of her. She kicked me off. I didn’t think she would be able to pull that move. By the time I got up that girl had closed the door. The car then started to go into reverse. I tried catching up to it but failed.
They got to the main road and turned around. Then sped off into the distance.