630pm, Dara left home for training.
645pm, Dara got on train.
745pm, Dara got to the sport ground.
8pm, Training starts with a warm-up.
After warm-up, coach group all up and said, "You three run as a group, today we run 2 minute quick, jog 1 minute repeat for 8 times."
Dara got into a group with his running team captain and a kid from another school.
When Dara run fast, he always wants to distract himself from the tiredness of his legs by daydreaming, yet his mind can't drift away no matter how he try. He is forced to think about the footstrikes, tiredness from his calf and it's not only his body telling him to stop, his mind is also telling him that he is tired and he should give up.
"Stop" said captain.
This is the time Dara looks forward the most, the 1 minute of rest between workouts, when he could think about other things, he thought,
"Minna said she wanted to be an actress, what is my dream?"
"This workout is tough, why am I running here? In fact, why do I even run?"
When Dara leave the sports ground, it is already 1020pm and the only though on Dara's mind is to get on train to go back home.
On the train seat, he can see only his reflection and the dark tunnel through the windows. Suddenly, light shines in and he can see "Tseung Kwan O" on the pillars of the station.
"Only 1 more station before I got to change train line, just have-", he thought.
When he woke up, he found out he had slept through the station that he needed to get off at.
He quickly get off the train and get on the train going opposite way with the only thing on his mind is to get back to home as quick as possible.
When he get back to home, it was already 1145pm. As he got into the shower, he thought, "What a long day."