10+ Best Book Cover Design Ideas for New Authors | Penana
10+ Best Book Cover Design Ideas for New Authors
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10+ Best Book Cover Design Ideas for New Authors
Henrey Mark
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Are you the new author clueless about how to mark a presence? Yes, there are some important matters to look after. Among many, one important part is the book cover. It has the potential to make or break the book. If a book cover is compelling you can add a bonus number of readers to your account.

Why do you Need to Work on Book Covers?

Book covers are going to decide the number of readers. It works better for the new readers as they are less established and need to make a presence in the market. Have you thought of how you are going to design your book cover? Well, do not worry,  we have got you covered.

Some things need to be looked into before you go for a cover. So, what you have to do is read this blog, and find your way out to the Best Book Cover Design Ideas.

  1. Always Have A Statement

You need to communicate the main idea of the book to the readers. It will create a sensibility among the buyers and what the book will be like. The color and the background of the book, one color scheme also works the best. Book covers are the first thing every reader looks at first. So, make sure that it is up to the mark because it is what they are going to look at. So, put some thought into it, and make something memorable. You can also look for book cover artists for hire.

  1. Be Professional with The Designs

 The design has to look professional as it will help leave a long-lasting effect and will be much easier to read. If the book has a good typography element with special images it will connect directly to the story. A book should have its own identity as it cannot be mixed with different genres. For instance, if you have written a comical book, the cover cannot be like a horror book.

  1. Think A Lot About the Images

Images matter the most! If you are working on images, put a little extra effort into making a difference. Make sure all the images are synchronized with the plot of the book, and give out a layered message to the readers. Creating a good design for a book is an art to deliver. Be constant in what you do and deliver the message intelligently.

  1. Take Care of The Color Scheme

Colors create an impression be it emotional or creating a psychological impact. If you have a book about forestry, or nature, the light blue, a green tone can work the best. It creates a sense of peace and tranquility. If you have written a dramatic book, a bold color palette can work the best. Color experts are most apt to create color schemes for the books.

  1. Make Sure Everything Blends Well

Everything on the custom book cover design needs to sit together, and make sense. Make sure you have worked on it with a thoughtful implementation, creating visuals that blend well with the topic of the book.

  1. Strike with a Robust Focal Point

You must communicate well to the readers and catch their attention. It is the essence of a book. Whether you have written a character or are working on a suspense project. You need to create it as a central point and use it in the design.

  1. Find out what other Authors Have Done

Have you checked how other writers have worked on their cover designs? It is an important part of your book cover design journey as there is analysis. Take a survey around you and check how all writers have worked. This will give an in-depth study and help avoid any kind of copyright strikes.

  1. Ask for a professional Help

Professionals are what you may need as they have the ideas and tactics one may never come across. Professionals include book cover designers, marketers, publishers, and strategists. So, get on board and enjoy.

  1. Be Symbolic

Add hidden messages as a symbol to convey the message to the reader. These subtle additions to the book create an interesting take on the book. They bring freshness to the eyes and minds of the readers.

  1. Stay true to Your Brand

Consistency is to make a successful writer’s channel. If you are established or are in the line, be consistent with your previous book covers. Cohesiveness helps in creating trust among the readers and creates a psychological impact on the readers.

  1. Go For Typography

Typography is another way to create an apt book cover, and make sure you are up-to-date on this and have some great ideas.

In the End

Here are some ideas that may help you walk along in the course of designing a book cover.

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