After talking to my parents for the morning, my stomach growled. Ella chuckled and Pharaoh was just Pharaoh. I grabbed some food from the fridge and made a salami sandwich for me. I cut it in half and gave one half to Ella, who thanked me before eating it.
" so what are we going to do Cas" Pharaoh asked and jumped up onto the counter
" Im going to get stronger, and we're going to wait to see what happens down there" I spoke and took a bite of my sandwich
" what if something happens before that" Ella questioned
" Then we have to fight and believe in each other" I smiled and ruffled her hair
" what it that doesn't work, what if we get cornered" Pharaoh groaned
" Pharaoh I don't want to think about that okay, if we do then I'll figure out something to get out of it" I muttered and finished my sandwich
I place my plate into the sink and sighed, that was my newest hobby now. I sighed almost all the time, which probably annoyed people. Pharaoh shrugs and walks slowly into the living room. Before I moved off of the counter top I heard my father yelling and causing like an idiot he was.
" your mother.. she was taken" he panted
" by who" I questioned and jumped off of the counter to look at my dad
" a demon, they took her away from me. " he fell to the floor
" dad she will be okay, for crying out loud you married the goddess of cats. Who's a really cool mom" I smiled and helped him back up.
He chuckled to this and agreed, " you have a point kid, i'll give you that. But you need to get her back, she needs to help us fight if we ever have to do that." he muttered
" like right now" I questioned and groaned
" yes, please. For my sake and your mothers, I don't want to lose her again" He softly spoke
I nodded my head, he smiled and told me how to get there. To die? No, to summon a demon and kill it. Then follow his dead particles under the ground to Tartarus. Which is worse then it sounds. It hard to be able to follow the golden dust particles past the ground, if you can grab onto one of them then your going to hell itself. I walked to my room and got dressed and ready, Pharaoh changed into a hell horse, which looked pretty cool. Ella wanted to come, I wanted to say no but the side of me that just wanted to kiss her said yes. Her form changed into a blinding whitish blue dragon, but she was small. She decided to sit on my shoulder and whistle in my ears. I also wanted to ask the boys to come, but this job was for me only, because it was my mother life on the line. I made a clicking sound and Pharaoh flew into the sky, past the tunnel entrance and into the blue sky of Egypt. I looked around and smiled at the beautiful smell of fresh air.
" I'll miss the sun" Pharaoh started
" why" i questioned
" because in Tatarus there is bitch darkness, so you won't be able to see or see the sun" he explained
" oh great" I groaned and rubbed my eyes a bit
" yup, it will suck" Ella agreed and chirped a little
" this will be fun" I groaned once more and rested my head on Pharaoh's neck
The next time I woke up I was on the ground, shaking my head it hurt like a bitch. I sat up and looked around, we were surrounded. By monsters, demons, etc. Pharaoh and Ella were fighting them one at a time, I wanted to move but I couldn't there was something stopping me from getting up.
" sorry babe, its for your own good" Ella cried out to me
" you bitch let me out, I can help" I yelled only to hear her chuckle
" she has a point Cas, your too special to get killed on the first fight. And were your guardians remember" Pharaoh smirked and changed into a black dragon.
Ella did the same but was a white one, I couldn't believe my ears and eyes. They were protecting me, but I wanted to do the opposite for them. I struggled to get out of the rope around me, but nothing was working. My eyes started to tear up, I didn't want to watch. My eyes were towards the ground the whole time they were fighting for me.
Slowly one by one the demons were finished, but the longer the demon took to die the faster more of them showed up. And by the looks of it they didn't look good themselves. I gritted my teeth together trying once more to escape my Ella's magic. Her magic was becoming weak, the ropes started falling off of me. I was almost about to cry, I changed into a panther and crushed the demons as I rushed to their sides. I watched as Ella fell to the ground Pharaoh was about to as well. I growled and stepped over her, demons had no feelings so of course they didn't stop to think about their stupid decisions.
" now do you see why you need me, I need to protect you both. And the same goes for you two protecting me. I don't want my friends getting hurt because of my decisions I love you guys too much" I muttered as a sharpe pain came across my back
" don't look now, I think your getting wings" Pharaoh chirped snorting at me
" I can't believe it" I muttered watching as they grew to the length of half a room, their bright magenta color shined across the field
" your mother gave them to you, she has her own pair. Im so happy for you babe" Ella smiled and rested her head on the ground as she changed back into a human
I kissed her cheek and looked at the demons, I started killing them off one by one. Pharaoh got some strength to help me out some more. After half were gone I wasn't able to move anymore, i was tired and needed to rest my legs and wings before anything. When I thought everything was over there was a large gust of wind in our faces, the demons screamed and ran for it.
" long time no see Cas" a familiar voice chuckled
Out of the dark a man in all black stood, Hades was there. He helped us up onto our feet and gave us our strength back, I hugged him and new Persephone sent him. And it had to be an order because he never gets off his ass these days. I let go of him and rubs the back of my neck.
" I wasn't able to protect them like I wanted to" I looked up at him
" it doesn't matter about saving them Cas, its how you do for them that counts" Hades smiled and pressed his index finger to my heart not caring that my boobs were obviously in the way
" Thanks, I do love them" I mutter blushing a bit
I felt as Ella hugged me and Pharaoh ruffled my hair until it was messy again. I growled at him only to hear all three of them laugh.
" I'll be taking my leave now, I'll tell Persephone your doing well Pharaoh. And watch this girl with your life" he muttered and waved goodbye as he disappeared into the thin air.
I smiled and sighed with relief that we weren't dead, I hugged Ella and kissed her cheek. Which Pharaoh groaned to. We chuckled and looked around us, there were no more demons. In the far distance there was a door, to Tatarus. I blinked before running towards it, Ella and Pharaoh followed me. I looked at it, the blood stained door was opened just a fraction to look into it. My father thought they were building a portal, they were building some kind of thing that wasn't a portal. I sighed and looked back at the two.
" should we go in or nah" I asked and they just blinked
" are you kidding me, were not ready Cas" Pharaoh spoke trying to get me away from the door
" he's right we need to rest, maybe tomorrow" Ella rubbed the back of her neck and smiled
" fine, but next time we are definitely going in" I pointed at them before Pharaoh changed into a dragon and flew us home
My father was waiting for us for our return, he heard from Hades how close we got to the doors. I was right to have brought more help, we need to be stronger at least. I hugged my father, Taylor was next to him. I smiled at him, he smiled back but didn't speak to me. Which kind of upset me. We were out for a long time, it was already bed time. I nervously laughed as Duncan and Jeremy hugged me to death while Pharaoh went up to my room with Ella. They were talking and laughing, which was pretty amazing. I looked back at Duncan and Jeremy, I kissed both of their foreheads and petted there necks. I missed riding on their backs, I sighed and blew them kisses once more before I walked to my room. I heard Ella chuckling, I walked in to see Pharaoh giving her doggy kisses. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled, Pharaoh jumped up and walked to his bed. He closed the curtains and watched out fro us. I looked back at Ella who was blushing.
" can we make out" I asked blushing slightly
" right now, Pharaoh will hear" she whined standing up
" please, I at least need one kiss everyday so I can keep living. Without it Ill be depressed and feel unloved" I explained and bit my bottom lip
" I hate you so much" she glared at me before wrapping her arms around my neck.
" you love me, shut up" I smirk and let our foreheads touch
TMI shit maybe soon, this is just a warning cuz why not. and because little kids?? Don't ask me why I'm doing this, just don't. I know its just kissing but I want to warn people when that will happen because their might be homophobic kinds of people reading books. But then again I doubt it, but this is just in case. Questions?
" sadly.." she teased and made me roll my eyes
" Its kind of funny how Im taller then you" I spoke
" how" she tilted her head
" so then I can be more dominate if I want" I whispered
" good point" she nodded
I picked her up and heard her gasp, thats what I wanted to hear. I place her on my bed and raise an eyebrow looking down at her. She guessed that I wanted her to stay down so she moved back to the pillows. I groaned and threw my shirt off, her cheeks grew a dark red. Her hair covered her eyes slightly as she looked down at her lap, I whistled and crawled onto the bed. I lifted her chin with my right hand and stuck my tongue out at her. She giggled and did the same.
" damn just kiss me" I whispered to see her shiver from my cold breath
She gulped and caressed my cheeks, her hands were still cold from earlier. It wasn't easy holding back, I feel guys pain more then ever now. I whine softly as she places her lips onto mine, I kiss back a bit rougher. I could tell she wanted more of my so called roughness, which isn't that rough in my opinion. She parted her lips and gestured for me to let my tongue into her mouth, so demanding why Ella why. I do as told and hear her giggle, Pharaoh can just interrupt now she got me that crazy.
It wasn't until we started panting after kissing for so long, we laughed and smiled. I played with her hair and pecked her lips softly before laying on the bed beside her. We haven't kissed for that long since the first time we kissed, she looked at me and patted one of my cheeks.
" time for bed toots" I winked and made her whine
" but I wanted more..daddy" she whispered that last part and made me chuckle
" I don't mind you calling me that, just don't call me that in public or your dead. And when I mean dead I mean your getting a punishment form yours truly" I explained
" okay love.. Ill just call you that to tease you how about that" she spoke before cuddling close to me
" That's fine with me Ella" I replied and kissed her forehead again before watching her fall asleep
I slowly closed my eyes as well and thought about becoming stronger, which was a must.
A/N: you guys must hate me, cliffhanger?? I think yes, until I post the next chapter you won't know what will happen. I hate myself too, I would love to write more for this chapter but Im about to go to bed since I always write these chapters really late and leave it until the last minute. I know I'm horrible, but I love you guys. Until then, Au Revoir.