Meslissa Davis was considered by many to be a shy girl who was still growing used to city life. She had moved here from the sweet state of Montanna when her older brother had gotten a really good job. She wanted to come to the city as well for a different point of view, no more waking up at dawn to go and help with chores. No more stressing about not having enough time to do chores, homework and play basketball. So her momma and papa agreed to let her come to Coast City (It’s a fictional city, imagine it like a smaller but just as popular version of NY) as long as she obeyed her brother and got good grades.
She was not ready for city life in any way.
It was a bit louder and more crowded. The air always smelled weird sometimes, her only peace was when she walked around in the large park on the west side of this city. It was a small piece of home that she so greatly missed. Her classmates were nice and really liked her small accent. However, the hardest part was the lessons. It was not an easy adjustment for her to go from straight A’s to barely managing a C+. She couldn’t tell if maybe her school was just a bit slower than this school, but things that she learned in 8th grade seemed like things her friends and classmates learned in 6th grade.
Now normally barely keeping up with grades would earn her one of two things. No more basketball until they went back to at least a B+, or even a small trip across her papa’s lap. Where her plump backside would be spanked by his heavy and hard hand. However, she didn’t have that here. Her brother was busy and was not a parent, her parents were thousands of miles away. It was hard to keep up and while she was barely making it to stay on the basketball team. She was at risk of losing her starting spot and even some colleges that were interested in this very talented point guard wanted her grades to go up before giving her a true scholarship.
She tried to self punish herself by not watching television and going out to explore this city with friends. Even didn’t allow herself to go on the school trip to the beach in the early part of the year. She even once took a wooden spoon and tried to swat her own bottom, giving herself a scolding but her 14 year old hand could only do so much. If it was too hard she would just stop. Melessa was losing track of what to do, when she heard a rumor from a few of the older girls on the team. They were not good rumors at first, mostly about a sophomore named Alphonso who had a reputation of giving out spankings to girls in an old classroom. Most of them talked very badly on him , calling him things that would have gotten her mouth washed out with a soap back home. However one girl, Elizabeth, had put them in their place. She said that she in fact tried it once and he was not a bad person or even a pervert.
It was Melessa's need of punishment that made her seek out the boy the first time about three weeks ago. He was a good volleyball and baseball player from what she had heard, and called an old classroom on the 2nd floor his home away from home. (She was even sure that he might sleep there some nights) She had tucked her tail between her legs and knocked on the door where he came and greeted her. He was not the tallest boy in fact she was a bit taller than him, he was average sized but had strong looking arms. Probably from years of playing his favorite sports, and working out. Low cut hair that was very wavy like the ocean she liked looking at sometimes. He invited her inside and even had her favorite tea, honey ginger. She didn’t know how to bring the subject up so instead they just talked for a while. He was really friendly and easy to talk to, he even dropped his city accent and spoke in a more southern accent that was music to her eyes. She was from the country and he was from the deep south, but they shared similar interests.
She did eventually ask, with a face as hot as the sun, if he truly did what he did. He didn’t deny it or even dance around the subject. She had asked how this all worked, and that same day she found herself face down over the slightly shorter boy's lap. Her skirt covered backside getting the heavy swats that weren’t on her father’s level but they left a mark. It brought tears to her eyes but they didn’t fall and he had let her up after maybe three minutes. She was surprised by that, but he had explained that it was just a sample and that if she believed her grades didn’t improve it would be much worse.
A firm warning that she needed, that worked wonders for a bit but she began to not take it seriously the grades that had turned to B- began to go back to C’s and she had a D+ in math. She was .25 away from not being allowed to play basketball anymore. So it was with a heavy heart that she decided she needed something else. So that day she sealed her fate and walked down the old wooden hallway of this school. The old academy was connected to the bigger one, the first floor was still used for classes but the 2nd floor was abandoned.
She saw another girl, this one having lighter brown skin and was rubbing her backside that was protected by white pants. She didn’t look like she was upset or even in tears, she looked content. Probably had come to try one and he had gone easy on her.
He was not gonna go easy on her.
Melessa knew she deserved this.
She paused in front of room 205 before knocking twice and holding her head down. She couldn;t even bring herself to look him in the eyes as she knew what was gonna happen next. Part of her wanted to quickly rush behind the corner and take the back way out. However, she had come to this city for a better life and if her grades keep falling then she knew that life would be a dream and she would probably just go back home. Melessa didn’t want to take the easy way out.
The door slid open and she heard Alphonso let out a heavy sigh. There was a small silence before she heard him speak that light voice that was light as air. He had a good singing voice, she had gone to church with him and his family the other day. He had a solo that day and his voice truly was amazing. She had a feeling that the father in heaven they both loved probably looked down on him with a smile that day. “I have one question for ya.” His voice took on that southern tone that brought her comfort. “What do you want from this?”
Melessa stared down at her toes and she felt a sniffle escape her mouth. “I just need it hard, like my daddy would.” She whispered as she then held out a piece of paper to him. It was her grade report for october. Five Cs and one D. “I-I don’t care if it is-” Her mouth wasn’t working with her as she took a deep breath. “I don’t care if it is bare bottom either.”
“Okay.” She felt him take her gently by the hand, he had very soft hands but she knew from her slight sample that those soft hands didn’t tell the whole story. “Come in now,” she let him pull her into the room. She felt her face flush as he took her over to a nearby corner of the room and like she was a small child that had forgotten to get the eggs that morning. He stood her in that corner and that placed her hands on her head. “Give me a moment, I need to get some more water on.” She jumped out of her skin as he then landed two thunderous swats to her jean covered backside. In the 14 years of her life she was so sure that only her papa could land a swat hard enough to be felt through her jeans. She had no idea that he could do that.
And it both scared and brought an odd sense of comfort to her mind.
She was in for a true punishment, a good spanking that she wanted and felt she deserved.
Melessa could hear the door open and close and his heavy footsteps going down the hall. He was gonna fill up his fancy water heater and come back. As she stood facing this corner, she did what she had done so many times as a small child and thought about why she was here.
Her grades were average but not good and she knew she was not trying.
She was wasting her parents' gift in letting her come all the way out here.
She had not told them about her grades or even her brother for that matter, and if things didn’t change she would miss out on chances to pay for all of her schooling. She wanted a scholarship to both play the sport she loved and she wanted to study zoology and her dream school would let her do both.
If she could prove that she was also as good in the classroom as she was on the court.
“Huh?” Melessa questioned as she took her hand off her head and pressed it up against her eye. She was crying to herself and she didn’t notice, that bit of guilt that had begun to fill her stomach was now growing bigger. As she rested her head on the angle of this corner and let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry,” whether that was to herself, her parents or even her teacher she did not, just knew that she was sorry.
Maybe five minutes went by before that door slid back open. The boy’s heavy footfalls filled the otherwise silent room. A small thud filled the air as he set that water heater down on the table and she heard a slight click as he flipped the switch and a small hum filled the air. “Come here, Melessa.”
The brown haired girl nodded her head before turning around to face the boy. He was sitting on one of the straight back chairs, she couldn’t help but gulp as she saw that an old looking hairbrush was resting on the floor underneath that chair. She took a deep breath before walking over to him and standing in front of him. “You understand why you came to me right?”
“And you understand what I am about to do you right?”
“And if you want, after this is finished we can go to my favorite cafe and do some studying if you want.”
Melessa looked at the boy in surprise. “R-Really?”
“Of course, I don’t know much but I am good at history, and science. I can at least help there.” He smiled at her exposing nice teeth, though he was missing one in the far back. He never explained why he was missing a tooth there.
“I would like that.” She said, a small hint of a smile appeared on her lips but then her face turned bright red as he motioned for her to take down those jeans. She closed her eyes as she unbuttoned them and then slipped down to her ankles. She had a lean body, but very wide hips and a large backside to add to it. Today she was wearing a pair of white panties, she didn’t want to be more embarrassed by her choice of panties.
This spanking was already gonna be enough to add to it.
Alphonso took her by the hand and then carefully pulled her over his lap. Her body in the shape of a triangle as she and he both helped get her into a more comfortable spot. He wanted her bottom in the perfect range to spank her, and she was okay with finding a spot that at least her stomach would be comfortable with.
She closed her eyes and could only hope that maybe he was weaker than he looked.
Melessa’s eyes snapped open as she was horribly wrong. As the first five swats landed on her backside, two to her right cheek, two to her left and one to her center. She felt her bottom take the blows, felt how much they sunk in and popped back up. This was gonna hurt.
It was gonna hurt a lot.
Melessa felt her arms tightening with each and every swat that landed across her backside. She tapped her knuckles on the ground as her panties provided little protection against his small but strong hand. She bit at her bottom lip and tapped her knuckles on the ground to try and distract herself from these spanks. It was not as hard as her father.
But damn it it was a good substitute .
The first yelp escaped her mouth as he landed three swats to the center of her backside. Now changing this painful rhythm to five and three, five to each cheek and three to the center of her backside. He started at the bottom of her cheeks and went right to the top, the most painful coming from when he slapped both cheeks. Her legs started kicking and her toes curled and uncurled as that pain was starting to increase. Her bottom was already starting to burn a bit more with each spank. Like he was throwing more and more wood onto the fire on her panty covered rump.
“It might not mean much,” he said as he kept on spanking her, not even pausing to scold her like her daddy would have done. “And I by all means ain't ya daddy, but I am disappointed in you. What did you promise to me last time when I went easy on ya?”
“That I” She hissed as he hit the center of her right cheek. Her hair flew over her head covering it like a veil. “T-That I wouldn’t be back!” She slapped her hand on the ground as that sting started getting worse.
“And how long were you gone?”
Melessa flipped her head back to move that hair as the tip of her shoes started to drum a beat on the wooden floor. “Three weeks at most.” Her voice came out as a pain whimper. “I’m sorry,” she attempted, knowing that right no no matter how many times she said that word it would not stop this punishment anytime soon.
However it was not gonna stop her from trying.
A minute felt like an hour to the girl as her backside started to burn and sting, each one just making it worse and worse. As if he sensed her growing used to his pattern that offered a bit of relief to her, he began to switch it up. She could no longer guess where or when the spank would come, going from sharp fast swats that left her gasping for air, to thunderous blows that made her backside squirm like an earthquake had happened. She couldn’t prepare herself for these spanks, her eyes were starting to burn with tears that wanted to fall but a small bit of pride she was holding onto would not let them fall just yet. Her squirming got worse and twice now she lifted one hand to throw back and protect her bottom from this hard hand, she caught herself both times. Not knowing if that would get her extra or anything like that. He had thrown a leg over her’s to stop her kicking and he was like an anaconda that was wrapping around its prey.
“Okay! Okay! Okay!” She cried out her voice reaching a higher octave that she had forgotten she was capable of. “I get it now, I’ll study, I’ll work harder, I’ll do better. I promise-” She couldn’t stop herself as she threw back a hand to at least block maybe one, just one swat. “I didn’t mean to wait a minute!” She felt that hand quickly pinned to her back and that one mistake did cost her.
As the next barrage of spanks landed on the space where her thighs and cheeks meet. The spots that were not covered by her panties and those spots that would remind her of this punishment anytime she sat down.
“I’m sorry!” Melessa cried out as now her tears flowed freely and she couldn’t stop them. There was nowhere to run, nothing she could do to stop this spanking, as she slowly lost the fight to keep going. Her bottom had taken on a deep pink color and that furious barrage to her sitting spots turned them a light pink color. Her panties were nonexistent as they provided no relief at all like she had thought they would. She hung her head down for a moment and as he kept spanking her, and all she could do was cry, but not only from the pain but from the guilt that had been resting in her stomach for so long. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered as lay in defeat accepting these swats now as it was what she wanted and what she needed.
She hadn’t even noticed that he had stopped this spanking until that same hand had been swatting her backside, was now softly rubbing it. “It’s okay now,” that soft tenor voice spoke out as he also rubbed her back. The white blouse she had on welcomed this touch as she began to catch her breath, her throat a bit raw from all her crying. Her eyes were still dripping tears but the rivers were losing water. “Looks like I won’t be needing this brush or even taking down these panties. You learned your lesson.”
Melessa had completely forgotten about the brush underneath this chair. If she had made an excuse or maybe even fought too much he might have used it on her. She was very grateful that he had needed to do that.
After a few more minutes, he helped her raise to her feet. Her hands went straight to her burning bottom to try and rub at least some of the sting from it. The flesh was hot to the touch and just touching it sent a bit of a sting racing through her bottom. Now the thought of putting those damn jeans back on nearly made her want to cry again. However, she was surprised as he stood up and went into an old box that she never noticed before and took out two skirts. “W-Why do you have those?” She questioned one hand rubbing at her backside and the other trying to wipe a few tear lines off her face.
“I have a friend that is in the drama club and they keep extra for certain scenes. I find that when some make the mistake of wearing jeans to these sessions, they never realize that mistake until afterwards.” Her face then flushed a bit more as she realized at some point she had kicked her jeans off and she was standing in front of him with a red ass wearing just those white panties. He tossed them both over to her and it only took a few moments before she had on that simple white skirt that honestly went with her blouse.
Once she had finished adjusting it, she turned back to the boy as she hesitantly crossed the distance between the two of them and simply rested her head against his chest. She very much needed a hug right now and she was glad that the dark skinned boy didn’t hesitate to hug her back. “T-Thank you,” she whispered.
His arms wrapped her in a gentle embrace. He was a bit shorter still but that didn’t really matter right now, she was grateful for his help. “Don’t mention it.” He whispered back and as he broke the hug a bit of a stern look appeared in his eyes. “Now promise me Melessa that I won’t be seeing you around here in the near future. Cause next time you aren’t gonna be feeling my hand, it’s gonna be that brush.”
“Y-Yes I understand.” He was only two years older than her but it was the maturity that made him feel like a senior. “I promise, and I am gonna keep it this time.”
“Good,” he said with a smile. “Cause believe it or not, punishments are my least favorite form of spankings.” He admitted. “But they get the point across.”
“Tell me about it,” she mumbled as she rubbed her backside once more.
“Good now, shall we be going?” He asked as he went over to gather his things. “If we hurry we can make 50 percent off wings and drinks and I am starving.”
She had completely forgotten that he was gonna take her to a cafe to help her study a bit more. It also seemed that that spanking had brought forth a hunger that she didn’t know she had. And after a few weeks, Melessa did return to this old classroom to see Alphonso but not for a punishment.
But to show that her grades had gone through a change.
As she was at least now averaging 83 percent, it was a start and she was grateful for his help.
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