Character profiles
Aline Jonas - Age: 17, Hair color: Blond, Eye color: Sky blue, Type: Lesbian (Lust)
Cora Linus - Age: 15, Hair color: Black, Eye color: Hazel, Type: Tomboy (Wrath)
Elliot Hampton - Age: 15, Hair color: Golden, Eye color: Deep blue, Type: Rich (Greed)
Juliet Brooks - Age: 16, Hair color: Red, Eye color: Forest green, Type: Envious (Envy)
Kelly Connors - Age: 17, Hair color: Blond, Eye color: Brown, Type: Gluttonous party girl (Gluttony)
Jane Partridge - Age: 16, Hair color: Brown with a streak of purple, Eye color: Teal, Type: Prideful (Pride)
Harriet Gilbert - Age: 18, Hair color: Dark green, Eye color: Spring green, Type: Slacker (Sloth)
(Note: No spoilers are going to be given away about the antagonist and the creatures in the story. You'll have to read the story for yourself to find out more.)