Hidden Twinge | Penana
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Hidden Twinge
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[ Naimah Flash Back]

Your test results shows that you have been overdosed on a contraceptive pill found only in the black market.


 Immediately her flashback ended, Naimah accidentally spills the juice on her skirt, she excuses herself from the dinning table and walks to the female bathroom to clean up the stain but halts at the male door when she hears two familiar voices kiss and say;

Voice 1: Here, it's specially made for her but different from the last one I brought, mix it in her coffee drink, she will never know. All we need to do after that is to patiently wait for her to start hallucinating and showing signs of paralysis before sending her to a psychiatric hospital to die.

Voice 2: I can't wait for her to die so, her inheritance, shares in the company will be ours...

Voice 1: You are not eager to be with me...

Voice 2: You are everything I ever needed, then the voice continued to kiss the other person.

Naimah was thankful she had her phone with her, she was smart enough to record it than cry like a baby and get discovered by those two.

She didn't bother to clean up anymore but went back to the table like nothing ever happened.

What next, she thinks to herself. 

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Total Reading Time: 3 minutes
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