Be strong but be sensitive
Be supportive but be protective
Love children, but don't be creepy
Explain things without mansplaining (How? Who knows? Not I.)
Don't lie to her, she doesn't like that
But don't tell her the truth if she looks fat
Oh, also, your depression and anxiety don't exist
Why? Because men having mental health issues isn't feminist
Your personal trauma is stupid and doesn't matter
But everyone needs to know why a woman got depression from a cat or (some shit)
Women deserve jobs, women deserve rights, women deserve to rule the world
And men should stop selling Barbie because all she does is objectify girls (I'm actually on board with this one)
Men are horrible, men are rapists, men killed everyone
Is it any wonder we don't come out about our rape story? It matters to no one
Men are in the wrong, even when the woman is the criminal
Men committed the crime, even though everyone saw it was a woman
Men are the bane of all existence and need to be eradicated
It doesn't matter that that includes sons, brothers, boyfriends, and husbands
It doesn't matter that most of us are decent human beings
One man was bad, so all must therefore be
Oh, and your suicidal thoughts? Yeah, those are fake, you made them up
But that overdramatic known liar of a girl, she's telling the truth, she needs to get help
Oh, you jumped off a roof, you must have faked it for attention
But a girl did it, oh how sad, it's such a shame
You have to be strong, but too strong and you're scary
But you can't be weak, because you're a man
And you have to be interested in a woman, but you also have to show no interest, because that's sexual harassment
Oh, but a woman groped you yesterday at work? So? Everybody knows men like it
Men are never right because a woman always is
Women are the only ones that children take out their anger on,
So single dads don't exist?
Of course they don't, that too anti-feminist
Now that I've offended everyone on here, let me go die in a hole, oh wait, I can't
Why? Well, I'm a man, and in a 'man's' world, we have no problems
But don't men have the highest levels of depression and anxiet- eht! Nope, not bringing up anything that gives men personalities, they just suck, that's it, they have no other depth.