Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures | Penana
Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures
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Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures
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Okay, so I watch this anime-but-not-really called RWBY, you probably probably know about it, but what you might also know (or not) is that there's something called RWBY Chibi, and it's equally good, very laugh, much funny. This is my parody of my original work "Linkle's Great Adventures", you may call it LOL:CGA for short.

Just like LGA (Linkle's Great Adventure), this is a copy and paste of my FF story that I want to put on Penana because...I'm here.

Here's the summary I gave it on FF.Net: The chibi adventures behind Linkle's legends! With gust bellows, random crossovers with other fandoms the author is a fan of, references to pop culture, memes, bad puns, and much parodying! Credit: Majora moon-sized thanks to The Unplanner for a MEGATON of these ideas, inspirations, and suggestions! T because...Tingle(?), minor violence, and Syrup and her broom and/or gust bellows!

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Total Reading Time: 2 hours 27 minutes
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