Jesus: The Three Days | Penana
Jesus: The Three Days
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Jesus: The Three Days
Kevin J. W. Driscoll
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Jesus: The Three Days


Kevin J. W. Driscoll

(c) 2023

I was dead, but I was not gone. My body lay in the tomb, wrapped in linen with oils and spices covering me as the crypt was sealed by a heavy stone. Now my spirit was free and I had a mission to accomplish.

I knew that my Father had a plan for me, and that I had to fulfill the prophecies of the Scriptures. I knew that I had to suffer and die for the sins of the world, and that I had to rise again on the third day. But I also knew that there was more to do in those three days than just wait for my resurrection.

Fist I went to paradise, where I met again with the Penitent Thief who had believed in me on the cross. He was overjoyed to see me, and I welcomed him into the place of blessings where God exists. He was one of many who would enter heaven through faith in me.

I also went to Hades, where I proclaimed my victory over death and comforted the spirits who were imprisoned there. Some of them were fallen angels who had rebelled against God and corrupted the human race before the flood. Some of them were wicked peoples who had rejected God's grace and perished in their sins. They all heard my voice, but they could not respond. Most were doomed to await the final judgment while being enclosed by the lake of fire.

I did not go to Hades to offer them a second chance or to suffer for their torments. I went to declare that I had disarmed the powers and authorities of darkness, and that I had triumphed by use of the cross. I went to show them that I was the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, as demonstrated by my resurrection from death.

I also went to other places and times, where I revealed myself to those who had longed for my coming. I visited with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the patriarchs and prophets who had foretold my birth, life, death and resurrection. I visited with Moses and Elijah, who had appeared with me on the mount of transfiguration. I visited David and Solomon, and all the kings and priests who had foreshadowed my royal and priestly ministry. I visited Ruth and Esther, and all the women who had shown faith and courage in God's plan. I visited John the Baptist, who had prepared the way for me and baptized me in the River Jordan. I visited all those who had died in faith, not having yet received the promises, but having seen them afar off.

I comforted them, assured them, and thanked them for their part in God's story, God’s victory. I told them that their faith was not in vain, and that they would soon see me in my (and their) glory. I told them that I knew I was the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams, and that I loved them with an everlasting love.

I also went to places where no human eye could see or ear could hear. I went to places where the angels dwell and worship God. I went to places where all of creation sings His praise and displays His glory. I went to places where mysteries are revealed and secrets are spoken aloud. I went to places where time and space have no meaning yet where eternity is physically present.

I had explored the depths of my Father's love and wisdom, and now I rejoiced in His will and purpose for me. I communed with Him in perfect harmony and intimacy once again, as I had done before the world began. I glorified Him in all that I did and said, as He glorified me in return.

I did all this in three days, but it felt like an eternity. And yet - it was not enough. There was one more thing that I had to do.

I had to return to my body, which lay cold and lifeless in the tomb. I had to breathe life into it once again by the power of the Holy Spirit. I had to roll away the stone that blocked the entrance, by the authority of my Father, and I had to then rise from the dead by the victory of the blood that I shed.

I had to do this for myself, for my Father, for my Spirit, for my angels, for my saints, for my creation.

But most of all, I had to do this for you. Yes, you who are reading this story right now. You who are living in this world right now. You who are sinning in this world right now. You who are suffering in this world right now. You who are dying in this world right now. You who need me in this world right now. I did this for you, because I love you.

I love you more than you can ever know or imagine. I love you more than my own life, which I gave up for all of you. I love you more than my own life or glory, which I can now share with you all.

I want you to be with me forever, that is why I rose from the dead on the third day. That is why I am alive today, and always will be. That is why I am coming back again someday - to take you home with me.

Will you believe in me? Will you trust in me? Will you follow me? Will you love me? The choice is yours.

But remember this: I have already chosen you and I will never let you go.


It was dawn when I rose from the dead. I had been buried in a tomb for three days, but now I was alive again. I rolled away the stone that sealed the entrance and walked out into the fresh air. I remember feeling a surge of joy and gratitude in my heart. I had fulfilled my mission: I had died for the sins of the world and conquered death.

I remember looking around and seeing a group of women approaching the tomb. They were my mother Mary and other followers, who had come to re-anoint my body with oil and spices. Some did not expect to find me alive. I smiled and greeted them all.

"Do not be afraid" I said to them "I know that you are looking for me, and here I am, I have risen, just as I said, just as I promised I would. Please go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; it is there they will see me in person."

The women were astonished and terrified. They ran away from the tomb, trembling and joyful. They did not know what to make of this miracle.

I did not stay long at the tomb, I had other things to do. I will appear to my disciples and other believers, showing them my wounds and proving that I am once again alive. I will share with them many things about the kingdom of God and I will gave them instructions for their future missions. I also fully forgave those who had betrayed me (Judas) and denied me (Peter).

I will stay with my family and friends for forty days, until I am ready to return to Our Father in heaven. I will lead them to a hill near Jerusalem, where I will bless them all and there I will say goodbye again.

I will then say "I am with you always, to the very end of the ages” and I will ascend into the sky and onto Heaven.

They will return to Jerusalem with great joy and praise.

They waited for my return promised by the Holy Spirit who will empower them to be his witnesses as they travel to the ends of the earth proclaiming the Good News.

They will write down what we did together for others not yet born into this world. They will continue to share our message of love and grace with everyone they meet.

They faced many trials and persecutions, but they also saw many signs and wonders. They will form a community of faith and love that will grow and spread throughout the world.

There still live today peoples who live in hope and expectation of my return and I will continue to make all things new again - I will keep that promise.

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