In a world where potions and magic can exist, is a race called Liya. Creatures who bore the image of humans but have a special power... they can predict the future. However, each Liya had a limit to their ability, but when honed, they can reach limits a regular human won't even dream of touching.
Rehenna, a Liya in the peaceful kingdom of Phir, lived in isolation safe from harm. Her only friend, her personal Knight, Jui. Jui always asked her to look into his future, but Rehenna had always said she couldn't.
It was a lie. In his future, was war. She couldn't stop it from coming no matter what she did.
When rumors of Liyas being kidnapped, and a war coming to all kingdoms, it all goes wrong when an intruder steals Rehenna away...
And Jui watches her die right in front of his eyes.