I accidentally summoned a Demon and I call him Fred | Penana
I accidentally summoned a Demon and I call him Fred
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I accidentally summoned a Demon and I call him Fred
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MK liked to call herself the minor character in everyone else's story. She didn't mind it, in fact she preferred it. Nobody wants to deal with the effects of being the main character and go through the 'development process'. Now unfortunately for MK, she did not get that luxury. After summoning a demon with utmost powerful abilities, MK finds herself thrown into the school of Parnorma where spiritual abilities and powerful summonings is the determination of popularity and superiority in the classes. 

As MK and her annoying companion "Fred" disguising as a spiritual guide in the lower level classes, she struggles to keep her powers hidden and find the truth on why would anyone would murder her mom 

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Total Reading Time: 2 hours 40 minutes
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