Writing Prompts | Penana
Writing Prompts
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Writing Prompts
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Ok so ya know how you’ll be scrolling social media (Pinterest for me!) and you’ll see these writing prompts that look so interesting but don’t acctually have a story. Well then this is the place to be (this will probably be a disaster ngl) I will be taking those prompts and turning them into SHORT stories. This will definatly test my writing skills  might ask? Well to put it simply I suck at writing short stories I like writing longer things but this way you guys as the reader can 1not get bored by my extremely long stories and 2 you will also be able to help me pick the next prompt I write a story for. For the first one tho I’m going to pick it bc otherwise I will be waiting forever to write the story bc I won’t have the prompts. So here is the first prompt I chose and I really hope I don’t screw this up! 😅

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