I finished the 25 laps and pushed my sleeves up to my elbows. Then turned my hat backwards so that it won't fall off and grabbed my bag. I walked over towards Baldy and the lady looked surprised at me. I wiped the sweat off my head and tried to slow down my breathing.
"You just ran 50 laps and don't even look tired", the lady said
"Hey take her bag", Baldy said taking my bag and handing it to the lady.
She scribbled something down on the paper and looked up at me. What is she writing?
"Now to the boxing room", Baldy said and I followed behind him into one of the rooms at the end of the gym.
He opened the door and there were people everywhere. Sandbags, speed bags, punching towers and more.
"Close your mouth you're drooling", Baldy said
"I'm not drooling", I said and walking pass the people training towards Baldy to a big mat on the floor.
"So I want you to fight...", Baldy said and started looking around.
"Kevin... Kevin come over here"; Baldy said and a man started walking over here.
He was glaring at me as he was listening to Baldy talk.
"Kevin this is just training so go easy on her and Alex the faster you get him on the floor the faster you can leave", Baldy said
"Alright you ready girl", Kevin said
I just stood there as he circling around me.
"So am I throwing the first hit or are you"
"Okay go ahead", Kevin said and stood still.
I threw a punch and Kevin caught my fist inches away from his face. He dropped my fist and he started smirking.
"See you aren't as girly as you look", Kevin said
Without thinking, I spun my body, jumping and kicked Kevin right in the jaw with a sickening crack. He staggered backwards a few steps falling onto the mat. I smirked to myself.
"You just roundhouse kicked me in the face?", Kevin said shocked.
He spit blood onto the mat and looked over at Baldy who was trying to hold back his laugh.
"Rematch", Kevin said
"Fine with me"
I twist quickly in the air and my foot lands on his face. I thrust as much force as I can into the kick, this will be an easy win. Then Kevin grabs my leg and swings me over and I crash to the ground. I stood up and walked over to him.
"You know what I'm done good fight", I said sticking my hand out.
"Don't do it", Baldy told Kevin.
He grabbed my hand and I flipped him onto the mat. All you heard was a big thud followed by Kevin muttering a string of curse words as he falls onto the ground.
"Told you", Baldy said and the lady next to him started laughing.
"Alex your phone has been ringing this whole time", the lady said
"Oh, it's alright", I said grabbing my bag from her.
"You have exactly 9 minutes until your late for you next class", Baldy said
"See ya"
I started walking towards the door and then out the building. I jogged over to my car and drove to the school. I parked my car and ran over to the school doors. I took out my keycard and opened the door. The door closed behind me and I think I have Social Studies.
I walked around looking into classroom windows until I found a social studies class. I opened the door and the teacher who had reddish brown hair and was a little shorter than me.
"Who are you", the man said and I closed the door behind me.
"Alex I think this is my class"
"Let me check my role", he said walking to his computer.
He started typing something and then looked up at me.
"Alex Jackson right", he said
"Have a seat", he said
I walked into the back of the classroom to the back and sat in an empty desk next to this boy who was drawing in his book.
"Alex why weren't you at lunch", I heard Anthony say
I looked to my right to see Anthony glaring at me.
"Something came up"
"What happened to your face", Anthony said
"Your face is red and you have light purplish mark on the left side of your face", Anthony said
"Didn't notice"
"Well now since you do then what happened", Anthony said
"Nothing just leave it okay", I said raising my voice a little.
"No I won't so tell me what happened", Anthony said slamming his hands down on the desk making the classroom go silent.
"Ms Jackson and Mr Scott do you two want to go outside", the teacher said
"Yes please", Anthony said and we stood up and walked outside the classroom.
I closed the door behind us and turned to look at Anthony.
"Why are you being so stubborn just tell me what happened", Anthony yelled
"You really want to know what happened"
"Yes what happened", Anthony said
"Something that doesn't concern you and why do you care"
"I don't know I just have this you know what forget about it, it doesn't even matter anymore", Anthony said storming off down the hall.
If he doesn't want to talk then fine I'm done with the talk. I walked back into the classroom to see some girls in the front glaring at me.
"Nothing bitch", she said
"You must be talking about yourself you fucking slut with dyed blond hair and fake Gucci bag"
"Ms Jackson I will not have that in my classroom please go to the principal's office", the man said and I walked out the classroom.
I closed the door behind me and walked into the main office. I opened the principal's door and he was sitting there with Anthony.
"I'm going", I said as I was about to close the door back.
"Actually wait I think you two need to talk this out with the counsellor and she'll be right in here", Stuart said and stood up.
He walked over towards me and pushed me into the room. He closed the door behind me and I sat down in the chair next to Anthony. I pulled out my phone and started texting Harry.
Make up an excuse or something I need to leave school now -Me
Why what you do now -Harry
Got into an argument and then something else came up -Me
Now you're in an office -Harry
Got that right now with a counsellor -Me
😂😂 feel sad for you -Harry
Help me -Me
Be right back got a meeting to go to -Harry
I slammed my phone down on the arm of the chair and just sighed. I hope Harry does this for me I really don't want to sit through this.
"Oh hi again Mr Scotts", I heard a lady say
"And you must be the lovely young lady Alex", she said walking around to sit behind the desk.
"You must be Alex by your file", she said putting a big file and a small file on the desk.
I hate that when I younger I just did things without even thinking what's going to happen next. Wait am I talking about I still act like that.
"Please don't go through that", I said holding my head in my hands.
"Sorry but I have to Alex you know the rules", she said
"What's in her file", Anthony said
"Oh nothing just the normal stuff papers about arrest and write ups", she said
"So what started this argument", she said
"He did"
"She did I texted her because she wasn't at lunch and she didn't answer back so I got worried", Anthony said
"Why did you leave school grounds", she said
"Because I went and got something to eat then something came up and I didn't answer his text because I was driving"
"Why is your face purple and red then", Anthony said
"Because um I don't have to tell you"
"But you do have to tell me", the lady said
I can't lie to them because they'll have the government all over my ass. I've been under the radar for the longest and they aren't going to ruin that.
"I got into a fight okay"
"With who", she said
"And who is that", she said
"A man and it was training"
"Like last time and all of a sudden you get 20 grand in a bag", she said
I'm telling the truth but last time I got pulled over and they searched my car and found the bag of money in the trunk.
"Bullshit", I said slouching in the chair and Anthony started chuckling.
I don't get it what's so funny.
"Language", she said looking up at me then back at the paper.
"Well it is bullshit you're going write it down then call Harry and Alexander"
"That's what I'm supposed to do", she said
"That doesn't mean you have to call them you're acting like I killed him he's still alive and you can check my bank account, my cars, my room or my wallet I haven't gotten any money from anybody"
"So you're saying I can", she said looking up at me.
"No, not exactly"
"And why not", she said
"Because then I'll be sent to prison for life"
"Why", the lady and Anthony said in sync looking at me.
"Well let's just say then my alibis I've said to get out of prison will put me in prison because of the things I may or may not have done or the things I have and may or may not have took"
"So you confirm that you have done those things and have taken those things", she said
"I'm not saying that I said I may or may not I didn't exactly say I have those type of things or done that"
"Okay well now you can expect a call for Mr Hart and Mr Frost", she said
"Fuck you, old hag"
"Hey you don't want press my buttons even more", she said
"Don't care"
"Yes you do", she said
"You know what I'm done call them and tomorrow you'll wake up hanging from your ceiling fan of your one-story house and no ring in your finger says that you're all alone. So have fun calling for help. If you're not dead by the time the cops show up tell them Alex came by for a visit", I said glaring at her leaning forward in my chair.
I could see the fear of dying all over her face. I guess she's read my files but I hope she knows that half of the stuff in there is a lie.
"I'm calling the police", she said stumbling over her words.
"Go ahead I dare you", I said staring at the phone in her hand.
Instead, she just put her phone back down and sighed.
"Sorry, Ms Jackson but I have to call them either that I get fired just please don't come by my house", she said and it looked like she was about to cry.
"If I'm busy then I'll maybe just do a drive by"
"I'll go get the principal", she said picking up the files and running out the room.
I sighed and leaning back in the chair.
"So that was intense", Anthony said
"I bet it was", I said checking IG going looking at random people's pictures and videos.
"Why is everybody afraid of you", Anthony said
"Everybody isn't"
"Yeah everybody is", Anthony said
"Are you"
"No", Anthony said
"Then everybody isn't afraid of me"
"Hey stop going off topic why is she so afraid of you", Anthony said
"Must have read my file"
"What's in your file that's so scary", Anthony said
"I don't know there are lots of things that could scare somebody like her", I said shrugging and started playing this shooting game I just downloaded.
Then I got a text from Harry and Alexander in group chat.
You bored -Harry
Yeah you -Me
Not at all but I found a fight place that needs a fighter -Harry
What time -Me
Around 7 and 8 and it's at 637 GrandBroad Rd last building you see on that street. Have fun and be at school the next day -Harry
You're a life saver see ya Monday -Me
I decided I'll finally call Baldy. After 2 rings he answered.
"Let me guess you want money", Baldy said
"No Baldy I need to use that gym of yours"
"For what you know already nothing illegal", Baldy said
"It's not", I lied
"Why do you need to use it", Baldy said
"To work out what else am I going to do in there sell stolen stuff"
"Ms Jackson off the phone now", I heard Stuart say and he sounded angry.
"Fine but if I find out-", I cut Baldy off.
"Yeah, yeah found out I do something illegal bye", I said and hung up.
I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Stuart.
"I had to give the counsellor the rest of the day off because she was shaking do you have anything to do with that", Stuart said
"Not at all sir"
"Well she came in here to ask you..", he said trailed off looking at Anthony.
"You can go now Mr Scott", he said and Anthony stood up walking out the room.
"Why do you steal if you have money", he said
"I haven't stolen anything in years"
"I know but when you were younger why", he said
"Because I had to"
"Who forced you", he said
"Nun of your business", I said standing up.
"Alex we know a seven year-old just doesn't steal for fun who made you if you tell us why maybe we'll be able to help you", he said
"He's gone now so fuck off", I said leaving his office.
I slammed the door behind me and saw Chase sitting in the waiting room I guess.
"Hey you okay", Chase said standing up.
"Hey Firework", I heard Anthony say behind me.
"Anthony", Chase said glaring at Anthony.
"Foxx", Anthony said glaring at Chase.
"Not going to be home until late so don't wait up"
I started walking pass Chase outside the building and went to my car. I got in and tossed my bag in the backseat. I saw Chase running out the building to my car.
"Where are you going now", Chase said knocking into my window.
"What", I said rolling down the window.
"Where are-", Chase said but got cut off cause I revved up the engine.
"Can't hear you but I'll be sure to sit through classes tomorrow"
"Alex Harry told me to keep an eye on you", Chase said
"Don't care", I said driving off.
I drove to Foxx's place and got changed.
Then through a change of clothes with shoes in the bag just in case, a bottle of water and a few weapons like a gun and a Swiss army knife. I zipped the bag closed and closed my bedroom door behind me. I was walking down the steps and grabbed my car keys off the table near the and then out the door until I saw Anthony and Chase standing there looking at me.
"Where are you going", Chase said
"To hang with a friend", I lied
"What friend", Chase said
Damn it I forgot I don't know anybody here but I do know Baldy and I wouldn't call him a friend so back to no friends.
"Going to workout", I said trying to walk in between them but Chase moved so I couldn't go through.
"Why", Chase said
"Because there isn't a law that says I can't"
Then he got a phone call so I just walked around Chase. I walked over to my 2016 Silver Porsche 911 Targa 4 GTS and got into the car. I started up the car and I guess that got his attention.
"Hey", Chase yelled
I drove off straight to the CIA building and parked the closest to the door. I opened the door and saw Anthony standing there next to Baldy.
"Shit", I muttered
I thought he stayed at the school.
"I guessing you've met my son Anthony", Baldy said
"Sadly yeah I did"
"Firework now don't do that", Anthony said
"Firework", Baldy said confused.
"Oh I just stopped by to see this troubled girl my dad kept talking about and also heard he got the shit knocked out of him by her", Anthony said
"Troubled girl since when I got money, jobs, cars and people that care for me"
"But no parents", Baldy said
"I'm not having this conversation", I said walking off towards the gym.
"You're going to have to one day", Baldy said following me with Anthony behind him.
I opened the gym doors and then walked across the gym into the boxing room. I walked up the bench behind the speed bag and set my bag down.
I took out my boxing gloves after wrapping my hands. I walked up to the speed bag and plugged in my earbuds. I blasted any song while punching the bag and seeing Baldy's mouth moving.
Jab, right hook, left uppercut, cross
Jab, right hook, jab, cross
Double jab, cross, left hook, kick
After awhile I felt someone tap my shoulder and I quickly turned around to punch the person behind me. But they caught my fist and noticed it was Anthony. He dropped my hand and took out my earbuds.
"You startled me", I said breathing hard.
"You've been punching and kicking that bag for hours I think you need a drink", Anthony said
"Oh yeah I guess I lost track of time"
I must have zoned out. I walked over to my bag and took out my water bottle.
"So why are you doing this", Anthony said
Why do you care?
"Just to workout"
"I think there is more to this", Anthony said
"Well, there isn't", I lied
I drank some of the water.
"Yeah sure", Anthony said
"So I just got a text awhile ago from a friend and he's throwing a Halloween party want to go", Anthony said
"Yeah after I do something where is it at"
"He doesn't like giving out his address so you're going to have to ride with me", Anthony said
"So he doesn't like giving out his address but he's throwing a party okay I understand"
"It starts around 9", Anthony said
"Yeah just come to Foxx's place at 10 hopefully"
"Okay but why are you carrying around this bag if you only have a water bottle in it", Anthony said walking over towards it.
"Hey don't touch my stuff", I said zipping my bag closed.
"Okay okay", Anthony said stepping away from my bag.
I walked up to a mat that this man was standing on stretching.
"Hey want to practice fighting with me"
"Sure but I'll go easy", he said
"First one on the ground loses"
He nodded his head.
"Okay let's go"
He started circling me and mumbling to himself around me.
"I'll let you get the first hit"
"You sure", he said
He lightly tapped my shoulder and just looked at him. He just shrugged and I punched him in his stomach. He had no effect. I guess I'll make head shots.
"Aim for the ribs, not their abs", he said
I round kicked him in his head and it actually affected him. His head fell to the side and while he was still holding his head.
"Shit is there cement covering your foot", he said chuckling.
I grabbed him and foot swiped him. He fell onto the mat and once he landed he banged his hand on the mat cursing.
"Maybe next time"
"How the fuck could you knock me down? It's not possible I'm the best fighter...", he rambled standing up.
"I guess not"
"It doesn't matter at least I'm a sharp shooter", he said
"Wanna test that theory"
"No I'm keeping my name as sharp shooter", he said walking away.
"What happened to good sportsmanship"
I checked the time and it's 7:42 I need to leave. I walked over to my bag and grabbed it. I put my earbuds in and turned down the volume.
"Where you going", I heard someone say
I ignored the person and kept walking. I opened the boxing room door and then out the gym. Until I felt someone grab my upper arm. I turned around and saw Anthony.
"Where ya going", Anthony said letting go of my arm.
Please drop the subject because I really need to go.
"Don't stand me up sweet cheeks", Anthony said
"And why not"
"Because Anthony never gets stood up", Anthony said
"Okay yeah see you around 10 or whatever", I said walking out the building and into my car.
I started it up and drove off 637 GrandBroad Rd for the fight.