After telling Angelica everything that happened, she looked at me all shocked, I know I have not known him for long, but it has been a month since we have been talking and have been getting to know each other.
Plus, I need her help with getting ready tonight, I am so excited for the date, but I am also extremely nervous. What if he does not like me or worse what if I am not fun or I do not do something that he wants me to?
I shake my head off all the negative thoughts, “I need your help getting ready tonight, I have no idea what to wear, plus it’s my first date.” I mumble the last part; I feel embarrassed that it is my first date.
“Oh, I will be there. I have the perfect outfit in mind too.” She claps her hands excitedly. I smile and nod at her. We continued talking, until the store opened. The day flies by faster than I wanted it to. I was getting fidgety knowing that it was almost date night. I wonder what he will do, or what we will eat.
We say our goodbyes and I head out to go home, I need to clean so that I don’t have to do it tomorrow. I wave at Angelica and head out. Walking home I feel happy, I haven’t felt this happy in so long, the thought makes me pause for a minute before I shake my head and continue walking. I am not going down that path today. It’s going to be a fun night and I am going to enjoy it. I continued my walk with a big smile on my face. I can’t believe it is happening, I am finally feeling happy and content. The new feeling makes me excited to see what else can happen in the future. I want to start something with Bryson, I want to see where it goes and what happens.
I know I still need to be careful and watch my back, but I also want to live my life for as long as I can before I must run again. The thought of leaving everything that I have gotten to know makes me feel a little down, but I also want to make as many memories as I can.
Walking up the one flight of stairs to my apartment, I decided to listen to music and start cleaning so that I can have plenty of time to get ready. The hours spent cleaning finally paid off, my home smelt like a flower garden, and everything felt fresh. I smiled as I looked around, the place felt like home, and I am glad that I get to call it my home.
I went to put my clothes in the drier so that I could get that basket folded and my clothes hung before Angelica came over. I decided that I needed a snack, I made myself some fruit and vegetables. I sit down at the counter and eat while watching Bones. The show is so good, the only place I can watch it free is YouTube, so I watch snippets of it.
Putting the last of my clothes away, I heard a knock on the door, I walk slowly over, opening it a little bit, I see Angelica standing there. I opened the door wider and let her into my apartment. I know I need to shower still since I smell like chemicals from getting everything cleaned.
“Wow, this place looks great. Did you get all of this done while I was working?” she asks, looking over at me. I nod my head at her.
“Yes, I wanted it clean so that I can make sure that I do not have to do anything tomorrow. Plus, I want to relax tomorrow and not worry about cleaning. You know how that is.” I speak. I blush at how much I told her. I am sure that she didn’t need to know that much information. She nods her head in agreement and understanding.
She put on some music, and we started getting ready, the smile on my face didn’t go away, we ate some light snacks so I would be hungry later and laughed a ton. My body was buzzing in excitement. Finally, after hours of getting pampered, I was ready to go, looking at the time I could see that I had 5 minutes before he was here. I got my sandals on and put my ID and money into the back of my phone case. I didn’t want to open any bank accounts; my Id was still valid, but I knew I would have to renew it at some point.
Angelica gave me a hug, “You look beautiful B, have fun tonight and be safe.” She said with a giggle, I blushed a deep red and shook my head.
“You know that nothing is going to happen. I can’t get close to him, at least not as close as I would like.” I say to her with a smile, one that didn’t quite reach my eyes. She nodded her head and gave me another quick hug. She left, I quickly cleaned up the mess that we made.
Right as I put the curling wand away, I heard a knock on the door, I took a deep breath and walked towards the door. My excitement sky rocketing, I open the door and take a deep breath.
Opening the door, I looked up at him and gave him a small wave and a shy smile. He looked me up and down, “Wow, you look beautiful.” Bryson complimented me, I smiled wider and looked at him.
“You look pretty too, I mean handsome. Sorry nervous.” I say and look down at my sandals with a blush covering my cheeks. He hands me the perfectly wrapped forget-me-nots and hands them to me. I smile and look up at him. “These are beautiful! Thank you! I love flowers.” I speak.
“I thought you would like these; I didn’t know what your favorite flowers were so I was hoping that these would be good.” He says to me. I nod my head.
“I love them. Do you want to come in while I put them in some water?” I asked, stepping back from the door a little so that he could walk in the door.
He nods his head and walks in behind me. I smile and close the door. I turn around and head to the kitchen to put the flowers in some water. I smell them for a second more and quickly put them in a vase. I turn around once I am done and we head for the door. I locked up and turned around to follow him down the stairs to his car.
He opens the passenger door, and we start heading to who knows where. He didn’t tell me where we were going, he wanted to surprise me. I smile at the thought and look out the window as we drive. I turn towards him and look at him, he has a sharp jaw line, his hair looks like he has been running his hand through it and he is still wearing a suit, I’m guessing he was at work for longer than he planned on being. I smiled to myself, and we started talking about our day.228Please respect copyright.PENANA48U5JTnjHS