The echoes sound started to ring in his ear. Gulf can also hear the sound of rain dripping heavily with lightning strikes loudly. He opens his eyes and saw his somewhat is in a spacious place, like a rooftop. Everything seems blurred.
The sound of someone's crying gets his attention. He looks around during the chaos moment of rain, thunder and crying sound. He saw Navy is crying while hugging someone's head on his lap.
"Navy.. Navy..." Gulf tries to call for Navy but no respond. He talks with a heavy breath.
Don't know what's happening to him. All his energy seems to be washed away. His voice is shaking up. All he knows, in this unfamiliar place, all he can recognize is Navy.
"Gulf! Gulf!" Someone is calling his name in an echoes sound.
Gulf started to search for the voice. He looks around but no one seems to be near him. The rain's dripping heavily made his eyes hurt.
"Gulf! Gulf! Wake up!" the voice keeps calling for him.
Gulf noticed one silhouette walking to his distance, but it was blurry. He couldn't see clearly who the man is that's calling and walking towards him. Suddenly, a light was coming towards them in a flash and the man scream loudly.
"NO!!!" Gulf screams his lung out.
"What's wrong with you, Gulf?"
Gulf turn his head to the one who asked him. Navy is standing in front of him while holding a cup with a confused face. Gulf realized his was dreaming and now sitting on a couch.
Yes, it was a dream. A nightmare. Thank God.
Gulf remembered that he offered the help to accompany Navy when necessary, when the assaulter is on the loose. John had to go for a business trip for 3 days and Gulf offered to stay with Navy when John's not around. He has been sleeping on the couch for 3 days now.
Navy sits next to Gulf on the white L shape couch. It was already 9 am. He was about to wake Gulf's up after made his drink. But Gulf suddenly woke up while screaming. Luckily, he didn't spill the drink.
"Are you okay? Having a bad dream?"
Gulf sighs while tidy up his hair. He nods his head while trying to calm his heart that's clearly still in shock.
Navy feels guilty looking at Gulf's face. Gulf looks in shock.
"Here, drinks this tea. Maybe can calm you down a bit."
Navy offered him his drink. He feels so lazy to make a new one but considering Gulf's condition, just offered what he has for now. He can make a new one.
"Thanks." Gulf graciously said it and take a sip of the tea.
"What did you dream about?"
Gulf looks at Navy with a concerned face. He clearly saw Navy cries in the dream while hugging someone. And everything in the dream looked so chaos.
"Just.. normal nightmare. Fall of a cliff." Gulf clearly does not want Navy to know.
With the assaulter still outside knowingly will attack him without any warnings, Gulf just does not want Navy to get more worried. Maybe, the dream was the result of him worrying to much about the assaulter.
Navy laughs at Gulf comment.
"I do sometimes have that kind of dream too. Let's have breakfast. I'm hungry. The restaurant in front of us already open. Go and wash your face first."
Gulf follows Navy's request without much comment. He goes to the bathroom and brush his teeth. His mind is still clearly thinking about the dream. This time, his trying to recall the voice that was calling him. He is pretty sure that voice is familiar.
After brushing his tooth, he washes his face and goes out to the living area. Navy is waiting for him on the couch.
"Let's go." Gulf calls Navy.
He takes his wallet that was put on the mini table next to the couch. Navy already tidies up his blanket on the couch.
Both of them walk to the lift. Usually, on weekend morning, there will be less people who uses the lift.
"John will be back today. Thank you for being here with me." Navy said it as they walk into the lift.
"No problem, Navy. You also have helped me a lot."
Gulf smiles at Navy. He really feels grateful to Navy. He relied on Navy more than Navy knows. When he was struggling with his personal problems, especially about Mew, Navy was there, giving him advice and comfort.
He also doesn't know how to describe his feeling towards Navy. Maybe, a brother is the correct word. He rarely gets this close to anyone. He didn't like to share about his feelings and problems with anyone. But, when he is with Navy, he can pour his heart out and didn't feel weird about it.
"My mom called this morning and asked me to visit home. I wish I could go but with the guy still out there, I don't want him to know where my family lives. I don't want him to endanger my family. That's why I'm only staying at home for while John is away."
Navy really feels frustrated with the whole situation. He had to reject his mother's request just because the guy still out there. He had to lie to his mother too to avoid his visit. His family still doesn't know about this.
"You had to do what you have to do. This is for their safety too."
Gulf tries to comfort Navy. Actually, Navy felt comforted by Gulf's presence and words so much. Gulf has changed a lot since the first day they met. The non-talkative and straight-forward guy is now can say warm words and talks a lot. That's a very good progress.
The lift open and both of them walk out at the same time. The restaurant is not that far from the apartment. They can just walk there. From the lift lobby, the take left then walk straight to the guard house, take exit there and then turn right.
There are many people at the restaurant at the time. Luckily, they manage to get a seat. The waiter took a bit long to come but they manage to put an order after calling the waiter for a few times.
It's not a fancy restaurant but the crowd is insane. Of course, it is. The food is delicious, and the menus are fit for thai people. Usually, thai people will have a heavy breakfast like noodle and rice.
"Maybe it will take long for our to arrive. Do you want anything else before us arrive? I can go and take some bread from the next shop."
Gulf nod his head. His hungry and a little bit of bread won't make him full. Navy goes to the next store to buy some bread while Gulf sit and take care of the table. If both of them go, then someone will surely take the seat.
Gulf take a look at his phone. Mew sent a text to him 30 minutes ago. He didn't realize it.
"Are you still at Navy's house?"
"Yes, we're having breakfast now. Have you had your breakfast?"
In a second after he sent the text, Mew replies back.
"So late to reply. Thought you were still sleeping. I'm having my breakfast too at home. What did you have?"
Gulf smiles at his phone. He feels happy when Mew whining a bit like this. It's cute.
"I ordered my favorite breakfast. But don't know when the order will arrive because there are so many people here now. How about you?"
"I ate this for my breakfast. Gotta stay fit."
Mew sent his text with a picture. It was a bowl of oat and fruit with scramble egg.
"Yuck!" Gulf sent the text while giggling a bit.
"You should take care of your body too. That belly starting to grow bigger now." Mew teased Gulf's belly.
Gulf laughing at the comment. He sends an angry emoji first before his text.
"This belly is one pack okay."
Mew replied with LOL emoji.
"What are you guys gonna do today?"
Gulf starts to think about what he wants to do today. He replies to Mew's question.
"Don't know yet. John will be back around night. So, do you have anything in mind?"
"Wanna go out and see some movies?"
"Sure. Let me asks Navy. You let me know the place and time later."
"Okay. Make sure don't be late. You are always late."
Gulf laughs again at Mew's comment.
"Okay. Don't worry. I'm with Navy. So, I'll never be late."
Gulf sent the text while shaking his head. Navy is known for his punctuality. He really never late for any event or activity. If Gulf ever late, Navy will nag him non-stop like when he was late for the workshop last time.
"LOL. Okay, see you later."
Gulf replied with a blossoming heart. He knows Mew and him will never be together as he decided to respect Mew's request to forget whatever happen. Now, he feels happy like this; Mew treating him as a brother and always care for him and he can also do the same to Mew.
"Ouch!" Gulf screams slowly after his shoulder feels a burden heat.
It was like a burn like feeling when someone putting something on you and take it back in a flash. He tries to touch the place where he felt the hot. It was on the birthmark. He keeps rubbing it on and on to make the hot feeling goes away.
It was weird. The birthmark never gets hot like this. Since he was little, he never felt like this. Why suddenly it burns up like this?
"Gulf, why?" Navy asked and sat in front of him with a small bag of bread. He puts it in front of Gulf.
Gulf takes away his hand from his shoulder and start to eat the bread.
"Nothing. It just that, the mark suddenly felt burning." Gulf answered while munching down the bread.
"The mark?"
"My birthmark."
"Really? Does it still feel hot?"
"Not anymore. Just like a brief moment only."
"Hmm.. weird. My birthmark never felt like that."
"Maybe it was nothing."
Navy nods at Gulf's remarks. It was a miracle coincidence that they had the almost similar birthmarks. He thinks Gulf is the only one who really had that kind of birthmark. Navy also realized the birthmark when he turns back time and start to lead the new life. In his previous life, he never had this birthmark.
According to his mother, the birthmark was a symbol of love. His mother already asked his late grandmother when he was still little. His late grandmother is a semiotic researcher and his mother really believed what his grandmother had said.
But, now Gulf also had the same birthmark but in a different order. Is it just a coincidence? Navy doubt it a bit. He's pretty sure that Gulf had some connection to his experience during this live. He wants to uncover it but don't know where to start and how to do it.
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