(No More POV)
"What do you want to do now? " John ask Navy after disposed the bloody box.
Navy takes a look at him before sighing a bit.
"Maybe it just a prank. Don't take it too seriously."
Navy didn't want to make John worries about this. He didn't seem want to tell John about the guy that he met just now.
"It is serious. This kind of thing is dangerous. You should be careful."
"I told you, don't take this thing too serious. It may just a prank from someone."
"I'll report this to the police if needed."
"John, please don't make things complicated. No need to involve police too. It's nothing serious." Navy stands firm on his decision.
He just wants to make sure that the guy who follows him and do this, be caught by him.
"Are you still mad at me for what I said just now about you, Mew and Gulf?" John abruptly asks that question.
Navy gets furious again. Why he has to bring up this topic again? Navy only wants to calm his mind now.
"What's wrong with you? Don't you have anything else to ask in this kind of situation? You are so full of crap." Navy gets angry.
John scorns.
"I'm not. You are the one who is being so obsessed with them. You should try to mind your own business and let them do their own thing."
"John, I'm doing this because I care for them. And it's not like I totally abandon you because of them. Stop being so jealous."
"I'm not jealous. I just want you to see that what you're doing right now is wrong. You should not care and meddle with their life too much. It's not even your job."
Navy sighed. He feels hurt by John words. He still insists that he is not at fault for caring so much about mew and gulf.
"What's so wrong with caring about someone other than you? Just because we're boyfriend, doesn't mean, you're the only one that I should care about." Navy gives his spats.
John seems tense. His eyes directed towards Navy firmly.
"Up to you." He said his last words before goes into the bedroom.
"Shit!" Navy swears as John walks away. He sits on the couch with a fiery heart. John upsets him so much right now.
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Gulf's phone on the table next to his bed is ringing loudly. He runs from his bathroom and answer the phone.
"Hi, P'Mew."
"Hi, Nong (younger brother calling). What are you up to?" Mew asks in a smiley face from the other side of the phone call.
"Just finished brushing my teeth. Why are you calling?"
"Nothing. Just want to keep updates with you. It's been a busy week for us. I haven't able to meet you properly."
"I know, P'Mew. But you are busy with your practice to play guitar and the new song. So, after every scene we shoot, you have to go in hurry. I understand."
"I know. So, what's new with your life?"
Gulf sighs.
"You remember my girlfriend, Heart? The one I told you last time. We had a big argument last week."
"Really? Why? Are you the one who starts the fight?"
"No, P'Mew. It just a misunderstanding. We resolved it already. And now, we okay and a bit closer."
Luckily, Gulf did not see how unhappy Mew face at the moment. Why Mew's face has to be like that?
"You should try to be more proactive in this relationship if you want to keep it for a long time. Don't get angry or annoyed so fast. Be patient." Mew gives his advice after a short break of silent.
"But P'Mew. With the current situation, break up may be the right choice. I mean, I have no time for her anymore. Also, both of us wants to focus more on our career."
"Nong, I have nothing much to say. But you should think carefully before deciding anything. This is a matter of heart. Hope you and her won't get hurt after making any decision." Mew keeps advising Gulf.
Gulf sigh and keep silent for a bit.
"Okay. I'll think about it. So, how was your study? Did the practice runs smoothly?"
"Okay. But I miss doing the practice with you. Usually, we will do the practice together."
Gulf smiles. His heart is flattering. But his too shy to say any reply as sweet as Mew.
"Okay." Short replies from Gulf.
Mew loses his smile. He upsets at Gulf's reaction.
"I'm sleepy." Mew says in a sulky tone.
Gulf didn't notice that. He just a bit weird when Mew suddenly said that.
"Okay, have a nice sleep." Gulf just agrees to let Mew sleeps.
He thinks Mew is really tired from all the training he's done today.
"Okay. You are too."
Mew hung up the phone. Gulf just realize that his reaction just now, make Mew upsets. Then, he put the phone on the table and also goes to sleep. He's trying to think a way to make up to Mew. The problem is, he's not the one who always initiate the apology first. So, he's clueless.
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It's been 2 days since they fought, the cold war between Navy and John still continues. Navy is watching TV on the couch while John is eating his dinner that he bought from the restaurant nearby alone at the table while playing with his phone.
Both of them didn't want to do first apology. Navy still thinks John's words were unnecessary and full of jealousy while John thinks Navy's not taking his feeling into account as much as he did for him.
So, they just living in the same house without talking that much. Doing activity as usual. But the tension between them can cut a knife.
Suddenly, John takes his wallet and car keys and about to walk out. Navy who seems to ignore at first, starts get curious because it's about 11pm already. Why would John go out so late.
"Where are you going?" Navy asks in a not-so-curious tone while watching TV.
John stops and take a look at him.
"Meeting friends for a while. Might be coming back late." He says then goes out without Navy gets a chance to say something.
Navy gets curious. He feels something is wrong with John. Then, he secretly follows John with his car until John stops at a bar. He sees John is hanging out with a few of male friends. He makes his move into the bar.
"Hi, may I join you?" Navy suddenly interrupts the conversation that the males at the table had.
John seems a bit surprise but manage to cover his reaction.
"Oh, Navy. What are you doing here?" John suddenly acts like a stranger to Navy.
"I just happen to be in the neighborhood. Can I join you guys?" He asks again and just play with John's game.
"Sure. Come and sit with us." One of the males, wearing a blue shirt with a short hair invites Navy to sit next to him.
Without much asking, Navy sits next to him, in front John.
"I think I know you somewhere. Are you a singer?" the guy asks him.
Navy nods and smile proudly.
"Wow, I can't believe I can meet you. I'm Luke." He introduces himself with a big smile.
Navy accepts his handshake. But Luke seems a bit flirty when he tries to tease his palm. Navy tract off his hand.
"So, how you and John know each other?" Navy asks them.
"Well, we've known each other when John joins the soccer club. It's been a long time since we dissolved the club. So, we're just chatting up with each other today."
"Oh, you mean Warrior club?" Navy says in high tone.
"Yes, have you heard about us?"
"Yes, John told me about the club before. So, this is like a reunion for you guys?"
"Well, not that formal. More likely friends meeting with each other. So, you heard it from John. Are you and John close? "
I smile and take a look at John. Luke also watching John to give him the answer.
John sigh a bit.
"We are just friend. I happen to talk about us one time." John answer with a straight face.
Navy's feeling is hurt deeply by his words. John seems not disclosing their relationship yet. Why? Does he really ashamed of Navy?
Navy loses his smile and words. His eyes are starting to sparkle.
"Oh, just friend." Luke says with a big smile.
"Then, can I be your friend too, Navy?" He asks Navy.
Navy so hurts that he can only take a look at John with a dead eye. Then, he turns to Luke.
"Sure. But I'll have to go now. I forgot to do something." Navy says in a very shaky voice.
Luke seems confused when Navy just walks out there without giving any second glance.
Navy walks as fast as he could to his car across the street. Just friend? That's what he just heard from John's mouth. John is ashamed of him. John didn't want his friend to know that they're together.
Suddenly, John grabs his hand. Navy tries to push him away, but his grip is so strong.
"Let me go!" Navy yells at John.
"No, listen to me." John is still insisting on grabbing Navy's hand and try to hug him.
"No! Let me go!"
After a while of the struggle, Navy gets so furious. He punches John on the face.
"Why are you following me, you jerk? I don't want to see your face! Asshole!" Navy swears at him like crazy after John gets the punch.
"I know I'm wrong saying things like that just now. But can you please listen to me." John still begs while touching his punched face.
"For what? You and I are just friend. Nothing more!"
"Navy... I didn't mean it like that."
"You said it exactly like that word by word. Do you think I'm stupid?"
"Navy, listen to me. I said it like that so that you feel how much I hurt when you didn't prioritize me over Mew and Gulf. "
"What? You think what you did to me just now is the same as that? Are you stupid?"
"Still, it hurts when being left alone like that for someone else. I'm your boyfriend."
"How many times have I said that they are one of the people that I care, and you are my boyfriend. It's not the same at all. And what you did to me just now is just plain stupid and selfish."
"I know I shouldn't have said it like that. I'm sorry."
"I don't want to see your face right now. You are so stupid and selfish."
Navy tries to walk away but John grabs him and hug him tightly.
"Let me go John." Navy talks in a fierce voice.
"No, I don't want you to go. Let us discuss and finish it today. No more fighting."
"If you don't want any fighting, why you do it in the first place. I said, let me go!"
Navy pushes John away until John falls on the ground. Then, he's about to cross the road. Suddenly, a car out of nowhere, pass by. He almost got hit by the car.
"Are you okay?" John asks him when Navy also falls down.
Navy pushes John's hands away and starts to get into his car. John tries to stop him, but Navy just keeps driving away. He really angry at John. Just because of his jealousy, now he's playing with Navy's heart.
While Navy's swearing John in his heart, he realizes that a car is like following him. Then, he tries to make a U-turn, the car also did the same. When he analyzes the car carefully, he notices that the same car that almost hit him just now, is following him.
Now, he's pretty sure that the car is trying to do something to him. He starts to drive faster. The following car also increases its speed.
When the car is almost next to him, Navy increases the speed again. Suddenly, the car bumps his side until Navy has to turn his steering in a panic mode. Navy car crash to the sidewalk.
He's unconscious. There's blood coming from his head because of the injury. The car suddenly leaving the scene when someone is getting near to the scene.