Marlene lay awake, unable to sleep due to Nick's constant snoring and the sound of waves crashing against the walls of the construction. She tossed and turned, thinking about where she was, how she'd got here, what the writings on the paper meant and what she was going to do.
"Can't sleep eh?" a Lizard's voice echoed in the dark room. Nick continued snoring.
"How'd you know I was awake?" Marlene asked.
"I could hear you moving about. Besides Nick's constant snoring, the sound of your restlessness is the only sound in this room."
"The 'sound of my restlessness'?" Marlene asked, amused. "You sound like a writer when you say that."
"Maybe I am. I don't know; I remember nothing."
"You remember your name."
"No I don't. When I came to, like you but in another place, I had a piece of paper with me with the name 'Lizard' on it and the number 505. I assumed Lizard was my name and that's what I am going by for the moment. As for the number, I can make no sense of it. What about you? You got a paper like that?"