Only Thirteen Words... | Penana
Only Thirteen Words...
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Only Thirteen Words...
Judging: Creator's Pick
Prompt Entries Comments (46)

In honor of October, Halloween, and unlucky thirteen, let's have a thirteen word story contest! I know. Six words is just few enough to make an oomph, and ten sounds too tame. But what about exactly thirteen? Sounds, haunting.

So, write a story with exactly thirteen words, no more, no less. Any genre, though darker themed ones usually work better, and rated PG-13 or less. If you're going to talk about more adult subject matter, it's time to get creative with those euphemisms. 

Starting October 8, 2016, you'll have four weeks to make your masterpiece. Three entries per person, and exactly thirteen words each. Any more or less won't count towards badges (sorry, guys). Judging by ShadowBobcat10, the infamous (or not) sci-fi writer.

Now are you ready? Four weeks.  Get. Set. GO!

Last Minute Clarification: Contractions count as one word. "It's" is one word. "Don't," and "we'll" are both one word. I'm noticing a few issues are missing one or two words due to contractions, so I just wanted to make that clear. Sorry for posting this so late.

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Total Reading Time: 2 minutes
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