“They can call us mad. They can call us insane. Hell, we might be both. But let it be known, that when the time came, we held the line, we fulfilled our duty, and we never once wavered. Should any wanderer, soldier, or free soul ever tread on these lands, let them know of our story.”
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-Colonel Veridian Christos’ last will
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Dawn came. The sun rose from behind the sharp peaks. And with it came malice. Once more the Xurug onslaught began and hordes of crimson xenos slammed into the lines of hardy defenders. Those in the back screeched battle cries and pushed their brethren into the meat grinder while the ones that crashed into the shields could do nothing but shriek in pain as bullets and heat tore through them. The writhing mass numbered in thousands, yet it was for nothing when all they could do is funnel in a narrow corridor. In desperate attempts, they send bloated monstrosities and groups of large but nimble beasts, that the Shields referred to as ogres. Most were cut down by concentrated fire while others were burned or blown apart by explosives and APC turrets.
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Not all was good for the defenders, however. While the Shields kept their numbers high, the same couldn’t be said for the militia and Avalonians. Two of their APCs were destroyed by the Xurug’s cannons and one of the trolls managed to get close enough to cause serious damage to a portion of the defensive line. A few dozen soldiers paid with their lives to keep the line intact but a number of the xenos managed to jolt past them, aiming to still-damaged transport ship. Their plans would fail as they encountered a second line of defense, which cut them down like grass. If it weren’t for Major Shane’s idea to split the manpower and machines into two groups, more than just military casualties could have occurred that day.
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Another problem was ammunition. Although the valley’s garrison armory kept their small arms fed, it couldn’t sustain the heavier weapons. The number of large xenos forced them to use explosives more often and this threatened to bleed them dry. To counter this, the craftier defenders resorted to the use of makeshift bombs, which landed them gratitude, compliments as well as jokes from the other soldiers.
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“Christ, don’t these jackasses ever stop?” a militia fighter asked as he fired his rifle.
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An Avalonian couldn’t help but chuckle, “Funny. That’s what me and the boys kept asking back home.”
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“Still don’t know the answer!” a third man added, throwing a pipe bomb.
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A few of the gremlins started climbing up the line, crude knives in their gnarly hands. One tried to stab an Avalonian, who grabbed its knife, headbutted it, and then stabbed another while shooting at a third. No one would commend his skill, however, as his torso was blown open. In the distance, several brutes fired their guns, trying to suppress or, more likely, kill the defenders.
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One of the Avalonians cursed as he grabbed a long rubber rope and a helmet, “To hell with these things.”
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Another noticed him, “What are you doing?”
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“County champion four times, remember?”
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“You sure you can make that shot?” a militia fighter asked, realizing what the Avalonian wanted to do.
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He grabbed an improvised fire bomb, “We’re about to find out.”
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As he aimed the helmet, another soldier waved his hand, “Twenty degrees left. I count roughly a hundred meters.”
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Adjusting his aim, he launched the projectile and prayed. His prayers were answered as the fire bomb landed in between two of the brutes, setting them on fire and making them shoot wildly. Their guns hit their own troops and those that were grazed turned around and started fighting them. Infighting escalated rather quickly and the notion that the Xurug, for the most part, lacked proper coordination was further reinforced.
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“Mow them down!” Rob shouted, firing from a machine gun. The xenos’ lines were dropping but the fighting wasn’t over. Behind the brutes came another troll, more armored than the last, and carrying a massive club. The defenders’ small bounced off its reinforced hide as it swung wildly, smashing and trampling its allies as it made its way to the line.
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“I need a rocket!” Atalanta yelled and a militia fighter tossed her one. She fired it at the approaching monster but only managed to hit its shoulder and blow off its left arm. This didn’t seem to slow it down as the beast kept moving toward them.
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“Another!” she yelled but he couldn’t find anymore.
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The defenders panicked as they threw more makeshift bombs and then stopped when they noticed something. The Shields arrived again and opened fire at the dazed horde, their Gauss cannons ripping through the brutes and ogres. One of them fired at the troll’s legs, blowing its knee and causing it to sink. Avalonians and militia fighters alike stared in disbelief as Colonel Veridian climbed unto the troll's shoulders. He stabbed it into its exposed eye, forcing a gurgling shriek out of the beast. A shriek that was quickly silenced as Veridian fired his gun into its opened mouth, blowing a steaming hole in the back of the troll’s head. Its dead and grotesque body flopped to the ground, crushing anything unfortunate enough to be below it. The Colonel let out a battle cry as the Xurug straggles tried to run away. When the dust settled, the Shields walked over to the other defenders, who let out exhausted sighs as they slumped down to rest.
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Shane grunted as he sat down, “Now I owe you two beers.”
Veridian chuckled, “How is your leg.”
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Shane frowned as he looked down at his left thigh, “Just a scratch. Didn’t even notice it ‘till now.”
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“Any word from the engineers?”
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“They say they're almost done. Though what that actually means is anyone’s guess.”
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Atalanta jumped down from one of the trucks, “We’re done for now. Those fucks won’t be back any time soon.”
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“Never assume your opponent is beaten until you’ve seen them die with your own eyes.” Veridian said.
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Atalanta nodded, “I’ll keep that in mind, sir. The civilians are probably worried. All this fighting can’t be good for their psyche.”
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The Colonel glanced over to the landing platform's direction. He didn't need to see the ship's compartments to feel the tension built up inside. The people weren't just scared. They were terrified and understandably so. Despite their victories, the defenders were slowly but surely being pushed back. It wouldn't be long before they were forced back. Some of the soldiers suggested blowing the entrance and flooding it with stone. While it was a sound idea on paper, they lacked the necessary equipment and the only thing that could work would be to blow the vehicles. Others argued that the Xurug could use their trolls to dig through the rubble.
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"Captain!" Veridian called.
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Xenophon jogged over, "Sir!"
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"See if you can calm the people inside the ship."
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"How exactly?"
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Veridian shrugged, "Use your awe-inspiring charm."
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Xenophon chuckled, "Yes, sir."
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Rob walked in, "Seventeen losses, twenty-six injured, eleven of which are out of commission in every sense except breathing. How are the Rifles doing?"
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Shane sighed and rubbed his left pocket, "Roughly the same. The medics had to give four of my men mercy. What about the Shields?"
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"Seven dead. Two were injured and one lost an eye but he has a spare. The APC is running out of ammunition, however."
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"Same with ours. If they keep rushing us like this I'm not sure how long we'll last."
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"Any news from the fleet?" Ajax asked.
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Atalanta lowered her head and everyone was silent for several moments, "The fleet is withdrawing. Some of the cruisers are trying to lure the bulk of the Xurug ships but they said that they saved all they could. That ship over there is on its own, for the lack of a better term.”
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The officers present frowned. There was no way out. Not for all of them, at least. Looking back at the ship, Veridian raised his head and stood up.
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“No matter. Our mission remains unchanged.”
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He looked down at Major Shane, who gripped his left pocket.
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“I understand your anger-”
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“Anger?” Shane asked as he stood up and stared into Veridian’s eyes, his stature noticeably smaller but no less imposing, “Anger doesn’t even begin to cover it. Don’t start talking like you’ve sucked up all the wisdom in the world. Let’s get this over and done with.”
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He walked off and Atalanta followed after a moment of hesitation. Veridian looked at Rob and Ajax, who seemed unfazed for the most part.
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“And you?”
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“Don’t got much to live for, to be honest.” Ajax said, “Before this, I was peddling red smokes. One random grenade later and I’m out of my cell. Rob saved me from one of the gremlins.”
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Veridian looked at Rob, who played with his necklace “The others mentioned Magpie. Magpie County?”
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Rob tucked away the little silver bird “Luck. It’s pretty much what carried me thus far.”
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“And if it runs out.”
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Rob stood up, “Let’s hope it doesn’t any time soon.”
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– – – – – – –
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The night was cold and eerie. Many of the defenders were trying to get rest while the sentries were patrolling the perimeter. The full moon illuminated the environment and Xenophon stood at the entrance next to one of his men. They both looked out at the dark smoke in the distance.
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"What do you think that is?" Xenophon asked.
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"A distraction? Cover from our visors? Could just be them blowing fumes."
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Xenophon squinted as he saw a shadowy silhouette moving behind a rock. He held his shield tightly and prepared his pistol. The soldier next to him did the same but wasn't quick enough as a creature pounced on him from the side and slit his throat. Xenophon shot it in the head before blocking another with his shield.
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"Night raid!" he shouted.
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The other warriors, already on alert from the blast, rushed to aid their captain. Flares and torches engulfed everything in light. More creatures jumped out of the darkness and attacked them. Xenophon could hardly make out the details. Their skin was dark and slimy and their overall frame was rather slim. Sharp claws protruded from their long fingers and long flat feet. Their faces were elongated and the back of their heads were similar to that of a brute. As they ran on all fours like dogs, the Shields formed a wall to block their path. The creatures climbed on top of them and jumped at the warriors behind the line, causing havoc.
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Xenophon slammed his shield into one of them and stomped its head into the ground before shooting a third.
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"Their hides are soft!"
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Many warriors resorted to their blades but even then the creatures kept slashing and biting at them, killing some and wounding many more. Veridian shot three of the beasts before a fourth jumped on his shield, its weight staggering him. Before he could get it off himself, another creature ran toward him but was stopped by Xenophon. Killing the beast on his shield, Veridian stood behind the Captain and the two men fought back to back.
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"Just like the Peaks." Xenophon grunted.
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Veridian shot a creature, "Don't blame your stomach ache this time."
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Xenos fell but so did warriors. For the first time since the battle began, it was an equal exchange. The phantom-like aliens attacked relentlessly, screeching as they slashed at the Shield lines.
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"Don't let up! Funnel them!"
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The warriors threw firebombs, causing the xenos to screech in terror as their bodies erupted in flames. Gauss cannons blew them to pieces and blades slashed limbs off. The fight looked to be turning in the defenders' favor. Then the shots rang and a dozen soldiers fell.
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"Wall!" Xenophon shouted.
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Xurug guns pounded the defenders as they held the line. Veridian fired his gun, scorching one of the shooters.
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"Clever bastards."
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As they kept fighting, shadows began forming around them. They turned to see them but it was too late. Several of the black creatures jumped down from the walls and attacked the warriors. Chaos ensued as the Shields were stuck between two opponents. Refusing to back down, Veridian held the line against the gunners while Xenophon turned to face the foes behind them.
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The Captain let go of his shield, "Honor in life."
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Holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right, Xenophon yelled a horrific battle cry as he charged at his enemies. Two were shot immediately and a third was stabbed in the chest. A creature ran at him and received a meaty kick in the gut and a shot in the head. Two more lashed out, trying to claw at the warrior, who dodged one and chopped off a leg of the other before turning and slicing off the arm of the first. He shot it twice in the gut and stomped the legless creature's head, crushing it like rotten fruit.
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"Glory in death!"
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He kept shooting and slashing, killing every xeno he could. But one of them was quick enough to slash his side and plunge its claws into his right thigh. It couldn't escape in time, however, as Xenophon blew its head off its shoulders and severed its hand. With the claws still in his leg, the Captain held his ground. More aliens threw themselves at him, ignoring the other warriors. Xenophon killed two more before getting impaled below his chest. The creature shrieked in glee and tried to pull out. Its tone quickly changed as Xenophon held it tightly by the throat with his left hand.
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"Let none live" he gurgled before thrusting his sword through the alien's gut and out the other side.
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Letting the creature sink, Captain Xenophon let out his last breath and fell to the ground.
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— — — — —
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"Burn them!" Rob shouted as he threw a firebomb.
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The night raid was a complete shit show. The sentries were the first to fall and the Xurug gunners took out the last of the APC turrets on the first defense line. Even with the illumination flares, it was still hard to make out the dark nimble xenos that attacked them.
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"Watch the walls!" Shane yelled and fired his railgun at the crawling aliens. One of them jumped down and ran at him but was shot by Atalanta.
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“There are too many of them!”
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Shane shot another xeno, “All units, retreat to the second line!”
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Avalon Rifles and militia alike obeyed his orders and moved back. Soon, the aliens overrun the vehicles, and firebombs were thrown to slow their advance. It seemed to buy the defenders enough time to somewhat recuperate.
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“This isn’t looking good.” Rob said as he reloaded his gun, “If they keep this up we won’t be able to hold them for much longer.”
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“We have to blow the entrance.” Ajax said.
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“They’ll swarm the Shields if we do.” Atalanta retorted.
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“If we don’t we’ll-”
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Their arguing was interrupted by a feral shriek followed by a very human scream. The xenos were climbing the walls and jumping down on the defenders. Chaos erupted as the soldiers fought with guns, knives, and even tools to defend themselves in brutal close-quarters fighting. Shane’s rifle was yanked from his hands and he was forced to rely on his pistol. With his back against one of the trucks, the Major had few options. Glancing to his right, he saw a fire axe and immediately went to grab it. A xeno rushed at him, claws at the ready. But Shane was faster and with a quick backhanded swing he split the creature’s head open. Several of them saw what happened and screeched as they too leaped at the Major. Most were killed by rifle fire but some got through.
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“To hell with you!” Shane shouted as he swung his ax, severing an alien’s jaw from its head.
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“And you!” he swung again, this time breaking a creature’s knee and then splitting its head in half.
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He grabbed a clawed hand before it could pierce him, twisted it, kicked the xeno down, and brought his ax on its face, spraying its dark blood all over him, “And you!”
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Turning around, Shane looked at the bloody melee in front of him. Many of his soldiers were going feral, beating the aliens with whatever they had. Some took off the middle barrel of their rail gun, shoved it into the xenos, and overcharged the rail, frying the monsters. His rage kept building up as he saw man after man fall to the enemy. A rage that took him over as he cleaved his way through the mess that was the second line. The APC tore aliens apart but it had to be selective due to its limited ammo.
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“Die!” the Major yelled as he kept swinging and killing.
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Eventually, however, one of the xenos got the upper hand and stabbed him through his left side. He still fought back until he was slashed by another alien and fell to the ground.
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Atalanta shot the xenos as she screamed, “Major!”
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She turned his lifeless body and closed his eyes as tears came out of hers. Her hand slit into his pocket and pulled out dog tags of fallen soldiers. Not relenting, she put them away and kept firing, driving the aliens back. Despite the surprise attack, the xenos were falling. But just as this mess was clearing up, another formed. Behind the scorched first line came a rumbling beast of iron and smoke. Its bulky treads flattened the ground as it slowly pushed the trucks out of its way. It was enormous. Easily three times the height of an APC and twice the width. A multitude of barrels protruded from its hull and a deformed black skull ornated its front. Thick black smoke kept bursting from the pipes on its back.
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“Get to cover!”
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The guns opened fire in multiple directions, blasting apart human, xeno, stone, and metal alike. None of the defenders’ weapons did any real damage and even the APC’s turret had trouble penetrating its armor. Luckily for the defenders, pieces of the trucks got stuck in its treads and stopped it from moving. It didn’t stop the shooting, however.
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“What the hell do we do?!” Ajax asked.
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Atalanta ducked to avoid fire, “I don’t know! We’re out of rockets!”
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Before anyone could say anything else, Rob took his bird-shaped necklace and gave it to Ajax, who stared at him in confusion “She’ll know.”
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Rob ran to the mostly intact truck, threw the large backpack he brought, and turned on the interface. It was battered but could still work.
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“Dumbass! Don’t!” Ajax yelled too late as Rob drove off.
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He drove as fast as he could, running over the aliens in front of him and avoiding shots. He didn’t close his eyes as he pulled the string from his backpack and crashed into the Xurug war machine, destroying and collapsing the entrance. The others picked off the stragglers and sunk to the ground from exhaustion.
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Atalanta took her helmet off, “What the fuck just happened?”
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Ajax sat down near her. He said nothing as he looked at the necklace Rob gave him and then at the ship. The battle was over. But was it really won was the question on everyone’s mind. No more attacks came that night but the defenders struggled to rest.
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— — — — — — —
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Dawn came again. This time less bloody but just as depressing. The defenders, now clumped in the secondary entrance, were exhausted for the most part. How no one fled was more of a miracle than anything else. Veridian walked over to Xenophon’s lifeless body and knelt next to it.
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“Thank you for your strength, my friend.”
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Turning around, he saw the faces of his men. Even the battle-hardened veterans weren’t immune to this battle’s effects. The Avalonians and militia even less so. Veridian was beyond grateful and honored to lead such fierce men and women. He only wished it were under better circumstances. In the distance, he could once again hear the roars of the Xurug horde. The defenders’ faces became even more grim as they looked up into the sky and saw fire raining down on the distant hills. The orbital station was down and with it the last of the defense fleet.
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“At least they won’t get any reinforcements.” Atalanta said as she walked over to Veridian, her hair messy, face bloody, and armor torn, “Then again, neither will we.”
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“Where is Ajax?”
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Atalanta didn’t answer as engines came to life on the landing platform. The transport ship was ascending and the soldiers rose to see it. Some started cheering and soon others followed. Pride and happiness replaced fear for a moment. They did it. They completed their mission. It was over. Nothing more to do. But reality struck in the form of another smoke cloud.
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Veridian walked among them, “Soldiers! Heros! Brothers and sisters! Thank you! Thank you for your courage! For your strength! We have done it! The people are now safe! Our mission is accomplished! Should anyone choose to leave now, no one will deem you lesser! No one can ask for more from you! If you choose to stay, I can only offer you a warrior’s death! If you want to go, do so now!”
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Everyone stood. But none walked. Their faces were stern and determined. They knew there was nowhere else to go. The xeno horde approached and they could die running or die fighting.
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“I am honored by this.” Veridian said as he dropped his shield. His warriors did the same. All of them pulled out their swords and raised them into the air. The Avalonians and militia repeated the gesture.
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“Honor in life! Glory in death!”
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“Honor in life! Glory in death!”
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“For Callisto! For Terra! For the Union!”
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And so they ran. They ran as fast as their legs would allow them and they kept running. The approaching aliens were caught off guard and paid the price. The warriors of Callisto fought for over an hour, slaying hundreds of xenos and avenging their fallen comrades. With their death, Callisto officially fell.
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It would be retaken in another four years by the Praetorian armies. Every person that walk over that sight, soldier or otherwise, gave their respects to the fallen heroes.
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The Shields of Callisto would rebuild themselves and continue to fight across the stars, serving as the backbone of many armies. Never once would they waver from their duty.
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For honor. And for glory.
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The End
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Thank you very much for reading.275Please respect copyright.PENANAv3zGjSnNL5
If you'd like to support me and my work feel free to upvote, follow, and check out my Patreon where you can get access to early chapters, a private Discord server, a chance to commission, and even influence ongoing stories: patreon.com/SimpleWrites275Please respect copyright.PENANAtzuyQznuKI
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