Wishes | Penana
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  Wishes. Do you believe in wishes? I read so much on wishes some people believe and some people do not. I think that wishes work depending on how much you want it. If you wish with all your might and soul, I think it will come true. I saw this movie where they said that God gives you the strength and courage to fulfill your wishes and you do the rest. So it is like if you want to be a doctor God will give you the courage and strength to go through med school and your job is to work hard. I truly believe this but my wish was something that was deemed impossible. It was something that no one ever did before. This is one of my deepest secrets, the ones buried deep in your heart that if anyone finds out you would die. But I will tell you what happened but you must promise me you will never tell anyone. Well you physically cannot tell anyone since no one would believe you and since you are not here anymore. 

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