The Fate of Fractured Lives | Penana
The Fate of Fractured Lives
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The Fate of Fractured Lives
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Sarah remembers being reborn with amazing gifts. She knows why people were gifted their fantastic powers. She knows why women with powers were fewer and why their abilities were stronger. Sarah remembers how it all started. But she doesn’t know why she has other people’s memories.

Reality had cracked. With her found family, Sarah tried to stop an enemy unbound by time and save a girl from becoming something dark and sinister. All the while she was keeping darkness from taking over her own body.

Fate was against them and failure meant the end of the world and possibly the unraveling of reality itself. Were these things destined to happen or was there a plan even their enemy could not see? Sarah didn’t know if this was the end of her life or just the beginning of the next one.

The Fate of Fractured Lives
Book One of the Anomalies Saga

Chapters will be posted every week. If you have criticism, please constructive with it. I'm by no means a subject matter expert in anything I have written.

Editing provided by Willow Heath.

The background cover image is an edited version of a photo by Maksim Romashkin, found on Pexels.com. The logo is my creation.

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 39 minutes
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