My Dark wonderful world | Penana
My Dark wonderful world
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My Dark wonderful world
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(you can also find my book on wattpad)

The world we live in is filled with so many things. especially darkness, But under the darkness of our world, there a people. People with hope, hope to find a place on this dark cold earth, Hope to be someone, hope to be happy again, and hope to be liked by others. we live in a world with love and hatred In a world where people are judged by anything and everything they do. In a world where no one is perfect and yet people still judge even though they are no better than the person, they are judging. and so i give to you another thing to judge... my book, A book I filled with love, A book that tells the story of me, my fears, the love of my life, My hopes, my dreams, a book that might not make much sense to you but makes so much sense to me. A book i give to you to read and judge.

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