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We never know how the people around us will respond to what we do, sometimes our good intentions are considered inappropriate, or even annoying. sometimes when this self always thinks a thousand times to express ego, people never think long to express their ego to this self, life is full of surprises, but are you ready to be surprised? 
maybe for now I will express all my ego here, behind letters, sentences or even pictures, that way there are no feelings and thoughts that need to be burdened by this expression, no one judges the events that I am experiencing and the obstacles that I am facing.
it's not the people around me who disappoint me, but this self's expectations of others that disappoint it. a simple question like "how was today?" is enough for me, but no one ever asks me that. i also want to be treated the way i treat others, but what can make people don't care about what you want, they also have their own world, have their own desires too. What is clear is to continue to do good to your surroundings, even if your surroundings are not as good as you think. 

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