Body pain and the Diseases | Penana
Body pain and the Diseases
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Body pain and the Diseases
Avisha Rasminda
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The primary reason is you

That’s the way it is

It’s always has been that way

The things you have done before and the things you are doing now

Lead to body pains of yours and plantation of diseases

The agony of age booming

Increase the number of baby boomers

You can’t understand what the fault is

That’s how it works

It’s always has been that way

Eventually, you will face the consequences

At your doorstep

A guest will be waiting till the door opens

He called himself a deep-seated and deep-rooted way

Once you are in there’s no out

You are the reason

To the pain of yours

What you have done to the people

Will return to you

With the death of time

Don’t be surprised, you should have known better

Some people will know about it

Some of them aren’t

Those will help out till they don’t aware of it

Eventually, you will open the door

To let your soul out

In order to vanish the pain

Didn’t you understand what happened

Some say they take their own life

To win the game

Body pains and diseases

Will return again

To those who are in favor to ask

It’s you

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