Horizon: Fall of the Horizon | Penana
Horizon: Fall of the Horizon
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Horizon: Fall of the Horizon
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A commander returned home to his family after his last war which was a victory. before the war, he promised his pregnant wife and four children that he would retire from being a commander to live his final days with them.

But when he returned home from the war, he found his house destroyed and his wife who was pregnant, and his four kids dead on the ground, but nothing happened to the other members of the village.

this pissed him off and he went crazy and proceeded to kill everyone in the village. after he did that, he wasn't still satisfied, so he took his sword and set out to destroy every shrine of the gods and those worshipping them. he blamed them for not protecting his family.

Then, the goddess of dark magic and mischief found him and offer him immense power that with it he could be able to not only kill the mortals but even the gods that failed to keep his family safe. But what really happened to his family..?

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Total Reading Time: 39 minutes
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