Wrapped in Love | Penana
Wrapped in Love
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Wrapped in Love
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The world is a different place. Supernaturals are rulers and humans are at the bottom of the Food Chain.  Even with all this Chaos, Cahira was living a pretty uneventful life, as much as possible for a Powerless witch. She had made up her mind to live as a regular human when she encountered a chance to meet the royals. What happened next was so out of touch with reality that had it not happened to Cahira she would have laughed at the absurdity of the story.  From Night escapades to fighting werewolves, staking vampires, unmasking hidden secrets of ancient legacy and most shocking of all discovering She is mated to Someone completely unexpected. 
Join Cahira on her journey where she chases the rainbow up and down only to find that the treasure at the end would change her whole world.

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Total Reading Time: 2 hours 9 minutes
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