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Asher, that's the name he chose when he came out. People refuse the name, refuse the boy. "Little girl", "pretty", "she", "her", "Layla" it all makes him cringe. He thinks he can escape in college, maybe he can start a new life. As it turns out, college kids are even more brutal than high school kids. Maybe someone will see through him being "weird".

Chase is "that guy". Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, on the lacrosse team. He's fit, funny, handsome, everything every girl dreams of. He swore himself to secrecy long ago. He's about as straight as a circle, Chase, the pretty boy, the perfect man, is Pansexual. He doesn't care how someone identifies, or even what their assigned at birth gender, it's who they are that matters to him. He has his sights set on a small, shy boy, who he learns is Asher Lane.

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