I had survived. It felt like I had been drained of all my energy in return, though. I slowly made my way back towards the dessert table trudging my feet the entire way there. I did a 360 just to make sure no one was coming to talk to me before grabbing the plate. I took my time grabbing a slice of each pie there. Flavors I’d never heard of were sitting in my hands. I could feel myself drooling. I softly said, “I’ve been waiting all night for this!” I had scooped the tip of the pumpkin pie onto my spoon, and it almost made it to my mouth. Almost.
“Do you always talk to your food?” I didn’t even turn my body to face the intruder, which would have been the polite thing to do to show I was listening, at least that’s what my communication teacher told me. I turned my head only to see who had interrupted me and my pie. As I did, I saw a boy who seemed to be around my age. He was leaning against a tree next to the table with his arms crossed staring slightly down at me. From his smokey eyes and the smile he had plastered on his face I could tell he was amused. I wasn’t.
I narrowed my eyes back at him asking, “Do you always interrupt someone when their trying to eat?” He just laughed as if I wasn’t being completely serious. I then shook my head questioningly and blinked showing him I wanted an answer.
“You’re serious?” I nodded. This caused him to laugh even more. This boy had a serious death wish. He then said, “Well, I would try the apple. In my opinion, it’s the best one.” He slyly made his way towards me not breaking eye contact as he did so. When he stood inches away from me, we stood there staring at each other. Him with a charming smirk on his face and me…well I wasn’t smiling. I felt his fingers connect with mine as he took the spoon right out of my hand, which caused me to break eye contact first to follow where it had went. I knew my eyes had widened from the shock. He carefully tapped the pumpkin pie off it and instead scooped up the apple. My eyes fluttered back to his as he lifted the spoon to my lips. I thought long and hard whether or not I was going to kick him in the shin and run. I realized there was a chance I would drop the pie if I did, so I rolled my eyes and ate it. I saw his mouth curve on one side like he had gotten what he wanted. That made me all the more annoyed.
“So, how is it,” he asked? After making an entirely logical decision about it I couldn’t miss the opportunity to get a reaction out of him. Especially since he wanted a reaction out of me first. So, that’s what I did. I chewed slowly while raising my fingers to my chin pretending to think making sure to not look directly at him like I had been doing.
“You were right. It’s actually really good,” I said locking eyes with his gray ones. I then grinned and lightly touched his arm that had the spoon in his hand. “Thank you.” As I had hoped he was surprised. He blinked rapidly looking down at my hand on his arm. I didn’t even do much, but not a single word was able to leave his mouth. He obviously hadn’t expected me to do that, and needless to say his confidence vanished into thin air. Since he was in utter shock, I decided to slide my hand slowly down his arm to where he was holding my spoon. I covered his hand with mine and said, “Thanks! It was nice to meet you.” I smiled while taking the spoon from his hand. Once I had my back to him, I smirked and went to find somebody I could force not to talk to me.