Call to Adventure | Penana
Call to Adventure
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Call to Adventure
The Yobanashi Girouette
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Ever played Call to Adventure? I'd recommend it for any aspiring author. After each game, you're left with a completed tale of how your adventurer's tale went, from their humble origins to their epic destiny. It's the perfect game to pull out if I ever want a quick writing prompt or character inspiration.

So now it's your turn! I've saved five game-end pictures, and it's up to you to weave the story threads into a short mid-story chapter of their adventure. To make it easier, I've also transcribed the cards to a google doc, which you can reference instead. Here's how it works:

The first column represents the character's race. You can choose to ignore this if you want to set your chapter in a human-centric world. (for reference, a "fiendling" is a non-copyrighted tiefling :P)

The second column represents the character's origin. What were they doing before their "call to adventure"? What's their past? When writing, these will be the building blocks that determine how your character was led to this point, their skills, and their personality.

The third column represents the character's motive. What transitioned them from an ordinary life to that of an adventurer? What challenges are they facing? When writing, these represent the "active events" of your character. This is where they are now, and what they're currently dealing with.

The fourth column represents the character's destiny. What will they become someday? What challenges await? When writing, these represent what's coming up in the story, what they're working towards. How you include these is up to you. Are they chasing visions, or on a quest? Is the shadow of their fate lurking over them, or are they striving to attain a talent or ideal?

The fifth column (or the assorted cards to the side) represent their companions. Only the first prompt has these, and they represent key figures in their adventure. Are they adventuring with them? For them? In spite of them? It's up to you how you work in these important people into their story.

And that's it, have fun! I'll be picking my favourite one out based on how well you stuck to the prompt, and how interesting the overall "chapter" is. Make me wish there was a fully story written about the character! No word limit, but keep it about the size of a chapter in a story, or less. Remember, this isn't meant to be a whole story, just a short excerpt from it! 

Images: https://imgur.com/a/f1w8s7I

Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FvN6-rnqyJQT4_04s9LqHwMKdfbtTh8YlPnm1l1FoXc/edit?usp=sharing

預計閱讀時間: 9 分鐘
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