After turning down yet another corner, they came to a dimly lit archway. There was just enough light to see the two large rabbits that guarded the entrance.217Please respect copyright.PENANA5wokH6mFaA
With Lock’s help, they managed to roll the heavy stone away, letting blinding light pour into the tunnel. Comet had to turn away to shield his eyes.217Please respect copyright.PENANAbaJYzt3G6O
Struggling to adjust to the light, Comet stumbled into the chamber. Once his eyes adjusted, he saw he was in a large dome-like room. Several rabbits at a table made of hardened dirt and mud. It was lit by strange pin-pricks of light.217Please respect copyright.PENANAGpb9bKrccq
Comet stared at the table of rabbits. They were much smaller than the Silver Colony rabbits with large black eyes all staring back at him. They could almost be mistaken for wild rabbits if it wasn’t for their various fur colours.217Please respect copyright.PENANA7A1hF8gjk8
One of them has a large medallion, so he figured that he must be the one in charge. His unreadable expression made Comet more nervous than he already was.217Please respect copyright.PENANAqZkguE5GjH
“We’re glad you’re finally here, my name is Magia Janu and this is the Silver Magia Council.” He said, with surprising warmth.
“We appreciate the effort it took to get him here.” He continued, looking at Blue and Bone. “Though we did tell you not to attack him.”
“Sorry…” Muttered Blue sheepishly.
“The Healer will fix up your nose, Comet, but first, I’m sure you have a lot of questions about why you’ve been brought here.
He nodded nervously. They knew his name without even giving it to them.217Please respect copyright.PENANAPiFMHbmauq
“The valley is divided into six colonies, each one has a respective precious resource. We alone can use the powers of fortune, the power to access the energy and abilities of these resources through our medallions.” He explained, indicating to the shiny, silver stone around his neck. “However, the energy of a hare is what gives our medallions their power, and with Orion ageing, our medallions are getting weaker and will eventually lose their power altogether.” 217Please respect copyright.PENANAl04Pbe3OLF
“So you want me to stay here, to charge your magic stones?” He asked, completely bewildered.
“They are not just stones, they are precious and have been carved with the symbolic plant of each colony giving them a direct connection to the power of the land. If this power dies the valley would descend into chaos, leaving us vulnerable to dangers from within the valley and beyond it.” 217Please respect copyright.PENANANpagMgyEyz
Comet was silent for a moment as he took it all in.
“So, I really am a hare?”
“Of course you are, Orion spotted you and brought you to our attention. We’ve been waiting for months to bring you here. We know it might take a while to adjust to life here, but we promise you, living here offers so much more than you ever had with humans.”217Please respect copyright.PENANAstUkyZVTBH
“I didn’t just live with humans, I lived with Mossy and Stone, they lived in the valley a long time ago, they didn’t trust you and seemed to believe you were harming the valley..¦ they wouldn’t have thought that for no reason.” He said. Trying to look as confident as he could.
Janu didn’t seem to be offended and said with a shrug, “They were probably like most of the other traitors, they hate our powers because they don’t understand it and don’t like that we’re trying to unify the valley.”217Please respect copyright.PENANA6TKflXCRDh
“So after I’m trained, I'll be able to use these powers of fortune or whatever they’re called… and then I’ll be expected to stay in the valley… forever… and do what?”
“You’d have to undergo the trial and initiation, then your energy will be part of the valley. As long as you don’t break our laws, you’ll be free to do whatever you want. Every rabbit will give you unconditional respect, loyalty and friendship. You’ll never have to worry about being threatened or driven out like you did with your humans. Seems like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it?”217Please respect copyright.PENANA0dKyYO03XZ
“Yes, it does,” He admitted, “But I did love my owner, he mightn’t be able to protect me anymore but I feel like I would be betraying him by staying here.”
“I don’t know if a human can really feel betrayed by a rabbit but to be fair we’ll give you a couple of days to decide if you want to stay or not but you will have to decide, you can’t live in both worlds.”
“Thank you.” Said Comet.
“Blue, Bone, take him to the healer's burrow.”217Please respect copyright.PENANAKF9YhpJrtn
They nodded and the three of them left the bright dome room. The stone door was rolled back into place, plunging them back into darkness. 217Please respect copyright.PENANAKFn1iGUVQf
They eventually came to a spacious area. It was still dark, but he could sense the change in the air, then he noticed a slit of light. 217Please respect copyright.PENANAyyBxRMuWnf
Bone pushed through what seemed to be a cloth barrier and they entered another illuminated room. Comet was surprised to see small human-like furniture in the burrow. There was shelving, bedding, tables and various tools as well as jars and pots. 217Please respect copyright.PENANAACSfJXBiqW
It was almost humorous until he saw a huge scarred albino rabbit emerge from behind a desk. 217Please respect copyright.PENANACdNnEdWGCw
“Hey, Ruby.” Said Blue. “We actually managed to find the hare.”
“Give me some space.” She said, shooing him away. 217Please respect copyright.PENANABqHGdQm76j
Comet was frozen with fear as she examined him for injuries.
“Hold still.” She said, retrieving bottles from a shelf and applying a substance to her paw.
Before Comet could object, she dabbed the paste on his nose. He instinctively reached to wipe it off.
"Don't touch it, or it won't heal properly," Ruby warned.
"It stinks," Comet complained, his nose wrinkling.
“It will smell worse if you get an infection. Now, stay still while I treat your other wounds.” She said, applying the paste to his minor scrapes.217Please respect copyright.PENANAD15h4GL9mz
After getting over the initial smell, Comet could feel the paste soothing his wounds. He was impressed that valley rabbits were able to create medicine like this.217Please respect copyright.PENANADlo6Cdl3OL
“Go and rest in the bedding by the back wall.” Ruby instructed.
“But I don’t feel tired.” He said.
“At least lie down, so I can check the others.” She said, turning to Blue and Bone.217Please respect copyright.PENANAvr0UWTLErr
After quickly examining them, she was satisfied. “You two seem to be in a much better shape than the hare.”
“Well he did fall down the valley.” Said Blue sheepishly.
“That could have been useful information, Comet, how are your legs?” 217Please respect copyright.PENANA17vnHLfw5U
“Uh, they’re fine.” He said stretching them.
“Good, then go and rest.” She said then turned back to Blue and Bone. “You two can go rest in your burrows.”
“Finally, now the Magia should give us a few days off.” Said Blue heading towards the exit.
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up.” Muttered Bone who followed after him.217Please respect copyright.PENANAPAF5chm4kr
Left alone, Comet tensed up. Despite her role as a Healer, he wasn't sure he could trust her. The silence was uncomfortable until he asked, "How did you get all this stuff?"217Please respect copyright.PENANA23Tpj4mhRd
“The medicine comes from plants in the valley and sometimes human gardens. Crafters made or handed down everything else," she explained without looking up. "You really should be resting."
Comet tried to relax, but the sticky, smelly paste and his restless thoughts kept him on edge.
"Noticing his discomfort, she offered, "If you'd like, I can show you where everything is stored."
“Sure,” Comet agreed, it was better than nothing.
She showed him how the bottles, herbs and pastes were well organised on the shelves and cubby holes. There seemed to be a place for everything and a product for any injury or illness.217Please respect copyright.PENANArNCNAZWvNQ
“It’s nice to know that if I decide to stay here, I have a better chance of surviving at least,” Comet said, half joking.
”You haven’t decided to stay?” She asked.
“No, I want to see if I like it here first.”
“I know the valley isn’t as predictable and safe as life with a human is. There’s always an element of luck if any of us will survive, but I try to do my best to ensure luck will be on our side.”
“I hope luck is on my side too.” Muttered Comet.217Please respect copyright.PENANASt1f54QDKV
“It is, we’ve been waiting for you because the valley needs you… which is why you need to rest.”
“I’m not tired though.” He said truthfully.
“Eat this, it will calm your nerves.” She said, giving him a bundle of plants. He sniffed it, it didn’t smell dangerous. He looked at her, he could see she didn’t want to kill him so he ate it.217Please respect copyright.PENANAve8LnDtxqJ
Settling onto the bedding crafted from long grass and feathers, Comet found it unexpectedly cosy, even if it wasn’t straw.217Please respect copyright.PENANAircuEFKE6u
In time, the herbs quieted his nervous mind and he was finally able to sleep and rest his exhausted body.