@ Those 4-6 boys who bullied me from 1st grade to 5th grade about my lips calling them "fish lips" "dick sucking lips" "pickle lips" "big lips" and etc. Thank you for making me have several mental breakdowns in class and creating my lips a major insecurity that I have.
Again thank you SO MUCH for that.
I'm gonna do a "little" back story on this lol..
I vividly remember the first time and the first person who pointed this out...
I was in the 1st grade sitting on the gym floor waiting for my teacher to come get us to take us to class, on the left side of me there's this guy ( Lets call him C ) and he's like "you have really big lips" and I just brushed it off.
I never really thought about it that much until him and 2 other guys started saying it every time we would come across each other.. this is were I would get self cautions lol.
Here's where it progressively got worse... I was in 3rd grade and my class was in the middle of lunch and C and his classmates were coming to lunch and I heard "PICKLE LIPS!" being yelled from across the room and I turn my head towards where it came from and I see C and 2 of the 6 guys who bullied me ke-ke-keing and giggling about the "joke".
This happened hella more times but let's talk about how I finally had a good comeback and stood up from myself. ( In 4th grade ) my class was coming from either Special area or recess and we're getting ready to go into our classroom and diagonally across from us was another 4th class and there was this guy which is apart of the 6 people who bullied me let's call him T .
I'm minding my business and then I hear this loud ass class across from us so I look up and T yells "FISH LIPS" and everyone from his class is laughing ( and a handful of ppl from my class also ) and I'm nearly shaking in my boots so out of nowhere I blurted out "wassup bug eyed frank" and every bust out laughing and I suppose he was mad.
Okay so I'm in the 5th grade and were doing work and we got to sit anywhere and I'm working with my "friend" and I'm pissed off mind you I was a bad kid but not flip no desk type of bad but this day I fucking did.
This day was such a blur bc my coping mechanism is to forget things so I'll try to explain this the best way possible.
As we where doing assignments 1 of the 6 ppl where ( let's call him D ) talking about me not just my lips and me being me I started ugly crying straight out balling my eyes out so I'm like fuck this shit and I kick the desk and gravity being gravity the force made it tip and fall over and it made the loud thud and I sit there for a while as everyone and they momma is staring at me then I walk TF out that classroom. ( I've only did that 3 times in elementary )
Now I'm currently leaning on the wall tracing the wall with my index finger and slowly walking along with dragging my feet then SRT/counselor is a door down and I guess she heard it and she came and got me and asked me what happened so I'm like " D was talking about me."
After we talked I went back to class and she was standing in the doorway gesturing 'come here' to D. he left as I was talking back to where I was sitting to finish my work and people were surrounding me asking me what happened so I said a little bit and I made this thing from paper that said "Not Talking Anymore" that was big enough to cover my lips and I was asking If anyone had any tape and my teacher was like stop you'll be fine.
So as I'm trying to tape it onto my mouth D comes back to class and goes back to his seat ( our desk where arranged like a U and I was in the back of the class and there was a whole group table that's were he was sitting. ) and he's watching me ask for tape or what not and then he's all of a sudden like "Are you okay?" and I just shook my head no and then he was like "sorry" and went back to work.
This took a look of balls for me to post this on this account so pls don't CyBeR-bUlLY in the comments best believe I'll slam this laptop shut real quick.
all jokes to the side thanks for reading. I hope you had a better elementary school experience than I did. <3
If you'd like for me to talk about other things that I got bullied for in school lmk in the comments.
POV You were the main person who got picked on in school and now you absolutely despise that school.