Heyy heyy heyy, sooo I haven't really been updating this article I haven't really had anything serious to rant about lately so I'd you actually enjoy this article sorry for that. With that being said let's get right into today's topic!
Okay so if you also read my blog I've stated that I've recently had several mental breakdowns due to school and I've been wondering if you could be depressed without realizing your depressed? No seriously all joking to the side I'm genuinely confused.
I've seen a couple YouTube videos about depression and I've had a handful of the "symptoms"
I also tend to wonder if I have an eating disorder.. I would tend to over eat however this could also just be me having fast metabolism.
I tend to eat just to eat yk ? I eat when I'm bored sad anxious happy etc. Would that be considered stress eating?
I would like to say more however I don't really know how to put it into words but thanks for reading/viewing I hope you enjoyed it!
I would like to clarify again that I don't mean to offend anyone in any way shape or form and I just would like to know others thoughts on this.