"Dakota! Wake up!" I yelled into his ear.
Dakota woke up and looked around him since I just screamed into his ear.
"Shelly, stop yelling in my ears to make me wake up." He said.
I smiled, it was christmas.
''Dakota, its christmas morning! Wake up!" I said as I sat up.
Dakota pulled me down ontop of him again and held me there while I tried to wiggle out.
"I found my christmas present." He said.
"Its not me, its down stairs." I followed.
"No, its your algebra home work." He said jokingly.
We got up and went downstairs with the rest of my family.
Dakota sat on the floor and i sat in his lap.
He handed me my presents and he got his own.
We opened up our presents and thanked everyone.
"Your big present is later.." Dakota whispered into my ear.
I blushed and looked at my toys.
Dakotas hands were on my thighs and he gently rubbed them as I looked at my stuff.
My parents were sitting near us along with all of my family.
It was a good christmas.
Especially with Dakota.