The Future That Never Was — GUNS ARE BACK IN CEREAL BOXES! | Penana
The Future That Never Was — GUNS ARE BACK IN CEREAL BOXES!
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The Future That Never Was — GUNS ARE BACK IN CEREAL BOXES!
Space Pickle
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The Future That Never Was features an alternate space age where the Soviets colonized the belt before David Bowie sang Life on Mars; where rogue AIs took over the web; where pizza came in cans. Humankind couldn’t dream of a more exciting future. Yet, as foolishness eventually turned Earth into a nuclear wasteland, shadows began to conspire from the heart of the Moon to beyond the mysterious Planet Nine…

The book series is an extended universe which includes numerous titles. All of them will be uploaded on Royal Road and Penana. Check the list below for the main stories.

🐈  KITTY KITTY - Completed on Royal Road - Being uploaded on Penana!

Join sassy space cat Lee and his Desert Eagle-toting, soda-swigging human partner, Ali, in a future stuck in the late 80s/early 90s. Board the dynamic duo’s ship, the mythical Kitty, as they bounty-hunt their way through a dystopian solar system—so lock and load, and shout Cowabunga! because it’s crime-fightin’ time! 

🪐  PACHINKO BLUES -  Start reading on Royal Road

Amid the chaos of the Rings Civil War, a disgraced pilot finds himself tangled in a vast vendetta involving a megacorporation, android mercenaries and data-cartels. From Saturn’s Plastic Fields to the fringes of Kuiper, his violent redemption is an 80s-esthetic space western filled with tears, blood and... ducks?

Other stories related to the first arc of The Future That Never Was:

• RADIO FREAK - Standalone biopunk short story featuring Ali Koviràn, the Data Maiden and Bill Murray

• STELLAR PATRIOTS - Special episodes with Braun Kamirov, linking KITTY KITTY to the upcoming DATA duology and CYBER MACHO



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Total Reading Time: 3 hours 55 minutes
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