So I was just starting to write a new entry for this blog, when I heard my dad come out of his room in somewhat of a hurry. Of course, this provoked my attention, so I hastily erased my writings so far (which I was already dissatisfied with) and paused my music. I then heard shouting outside and, every now and then, beeping of cars. Of course, this worried me for several reasons. One, it’s 1 am. Why is someone yelling at 1 am? Two, I live on a dead end road in a pretty low key neighborhood—who would have any reason to be here at 1 am? Three, this is, like, textbook crime tv. I was about to become the neighbor that heard the victim yelling in an argument the night before his death. I’ve seen The Mentalist enough times to come to that conclusion.
And then my dad commanded me—in a very serious whisper, mind you—to go to my room and close the door. That’s the thing that scared me. Also the fact that I currently don’t have a phone, because mine broke and my new one had to be ordered. So if anything happened, goodbye calling 911 and goodbye calling my parents.
Anyway, apparently there were two or three trucks outside but they left. The whole situation is just really weird. It doesn’t add up. But, for now they’re gone, so I’m trying not to worry too much.
On the bright side, I have something mildly interesting to write about now. I was just planning to rant about depression but who really wants to hear that? I know I don’t.
But I’m not entirely upset that it happened. I was definitely doing a mini spiral into self pity and hatred and all that. And this was pretty much what I needed to snap me out of it. I became too anxious to care about my problems.
So that about sums everything up. The situation has thus far dissipated.
And wow what a development. Literally as I wrote that last sentence, I heard a car door slam shut very loudly.
I’m not sure if it’s related to this whole situation but I really hope not. Either way, I’m just gonna sign off here. I’m pretty tired overall, and I don’t have the energy nor the motivation to stay up and wait for further developments to what could turn out to be nothing.
In the meantime I think I’ll watch YouTube until I feel tired enough to fall asleep—and really hope that this whole thing was just a one-off.