It was dark out when Kenshouu had finally woken from his rest. As he sat up mentally he took a note of the effects of the fatigue he had felt before passing out the night before. First, he noticed it had felt as if the skin all over his entire body had changed into wood and begun splintering, stiffening, impeding his muscles and their movements. Then when the worst of it hit Kenshouu had felt hot, burning hot. It had taken all of the energy he could muster to move to another section of the house that wasn't bathed in blood. He had ended up in his room, first trying to settle in his mothers but he found his room was the first place he had felt even nearly still at home here. As he sat there in the darkness the full realization his family was gone settled in his mind Kenshouu tears streaming down his face, in his mind he swore he would avenge his family no matter what, even if he died doing it. He would make the people responsible for this suffer. It was that moment he realized somewhere during the events of the previous day his fear of the darkness was gone and in fact he now felt more comfortable in it than the light, almost as if it now welcomed him.
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Then Kenshouu began to think of that beautiful girl he had met, Thea. An image of her shy smiling face flashing into his mind. Would she be able to see this new, affinity, to the darkness that resided in him now. Would she support his desire for vengeance for his family? In that moment Kenshouu decided he needed to learn more about this link between the two of them, and just how much manipulation of it he had.
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Kenshouu began looking around his room before turning his attention to the window focusing on a trail of smoke slightly in the distance of the forest to avoid the sight of what he recognized as his now blood drenched paper door. As he sat there staring at the sky contemplating to himself what he would do next, before long he reached a conclusion. He had to leave. He couldn't stand being in this house any longer. If it hadn't been for his exhaustion taking over and him passing out, Kenshouu doubted he would have been able to fall asleep at all with the discomfort of whatever had occured to his skin, his muscles, not to mention everywhere he looked in this house there were constant reminders of his family, of their demise, and it tortured him, it physically pained him, it fueled this newfound smoldering power within him as if it were a dormant volcano preparing to return to life.
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Kenshouu began looking through his belongings, debating within himself what he would need to bring with him as well as just how much of it he could actually carry. Quickly he journeyed throughout the house grabbing the things he deemed valuable and necessary. However, when Kenshouu returned to his room to pack everything up quickly he glanced out the window, before doubling back. In the distance of the forest Kenshouu saw the silhouette of a man. Kenshouu recognized parts of his shadow as him wearing some type of armor. In his hand, the man carried a single guardless katana. Instantly Kenshouu knew the man was some type of soldier and saw his opportunity, either to get his revenge, or learn new ways how. Hastily, Kenshouu gathered the rest of his things into his bag. He dashed out of his room, hesitating at the sight of the rest of his blood drenched home knowing he may never return back here, to his home. Continuing on he dashes through the hallway, out the door. Before heading into the forest Kenshouu turns his head taking one last look at his family's home. The image burned into his memory, solidifying his dark resolve along with it. He faced the forest again, determined to find the figure he had seen and determined to find just how they played into everything as he took the first steps into the forest. Kenshouu began creeping through the forest, the darkness engulfing him more and more with its cold embrace with each step forward he took.
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His eyes now adjusted to the darkness took note of the countless trees and bushes that surrounded him. As he continued forward into the darkness for a while every so often Kenshouu noticed trees that would have marks on them. The marks appeared almost as if each tree had received two parallel slices from a blade followed by a powerful thrust from some kind of injection as Kensouu could see small amounts of liquid dripping out. For the most part the liquid Kenshouu saw was purple but occasionally he would come across some that was red. When he first saw the red one he had had the urge to reach out and touch it but his mind quickly changed when he saw the rodentia lying beside the tree, alive but near motionless. It had laid there panting and when Kenshouu had left it some water on a leaf thinking it was dehydrated it had shrieked in pain while trying to lift its head high enough to drink it. Kenshouu didn't know about all of the animals that were said to live in the forest but he knew some of them were dangerous, very dangerous, that's why when he heard the rustling of leaves shortly after he knew he had to get out of there, so he continued on.
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As Kenshouu pressed on, a small clearing became visible in the distance and he could swear in the distance he could hear the sound of rushing water . As he neared the clearing Kenshouu could make out a small plunge pool and the waterfall that fed it. He entered the clearing looking for any signs of the warrior he had seen but there were no signs of him, or her, anywhere. He was admiring the beauty of the waterfall when he noticed a slope on the side of the pool that led to a trail of ledges along the side of the cliff perfect for scaling up the wall. Kenshouu began making his way over to the slope leading to the ledges. Kenshouu now found himself just beside the waterfall, he could feel the freshness of its water trickling onto the side of his face and the back of his neck. Kenshouu had already scaled up three of the ledges when a reflection of light caught his attention, making him stop in his tracks as he jerked his head to the side looking for the source of light.
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What Kenshouu saw next instantly caused a tiny smirk to appear across his face and the curiosity within burst forward. Climbing back down, Kenshouu walked on behind the waterfall slowly, taking his time to make sure he wouldn't lose his footing on the wet slippery cliffside. Before long Kenshouu found what he was looking for, a large archway opened into the wall and along the side Kenshouu had spotted numerous round sculptures that appeared to be made of some kind of stone. The sculptures had been engraved over most of their surfaces with what even Kenshouu could see was very masterful, delicate line work. As Kenshouu stood there admiring the artists' work his gaze drifted up, above the sculptures to the wall. Kenshouu barely had a moment to observe the markings on the wall, the same ones he had continued to pass all the way here, before he was interrupted.
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He heard a deep breathing, almost a growl, then in the next moment, before Kenshouu ever had time to react. 192Please respect copyright.PENANALtlm5kmZCS
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Something hit Kenshouu so hard he flew out of the tunnel, through the waterfall until he landed at the edge of the plunge pool, knocking the wind out of him. Kenshouu laid there gasping as his lungs responded only with emptiness and pain. Over and over he attempted to expand his lungs and fill them with air and again and again they failed him, buckling within from the pressure of the pain. Until finally he desperately gasped out for relief and was met by the cool refreshing relief of air filling his windpipe all the way to his lungs, easing a little of the pain in his chest. As Kenshouu began to sit upright, the focus in his eyes now returning, he looked back toward the waterfall trying to see what had knocked him away. What Kenshouu saw instantly coursed fear throughout the entirety of his body, a fear he had hoped never to feel again. In that moment of fear, for just a split second Kenshouu flashed back to just after when he had turned four.
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It was the day his older brother had first used his abilities. Kenshouu had been out training in the hills with Ren. They spared from the moment the sun began to shine until it laid itself to rest beyond the mountains at the end of the day. With the loss of light before long their sparring took them into Les Za Kopci, the forest beyond the hills. To their great misfortune the ruckus they caused brought about a powerful dangerous monster. Kenshouu only saw it for a brief moment before his brothers’ powers manifested and he had somehow managed to get them out of the forest. But in that moment Kenshouu saw everything he needed. It had enormous hairy legs that even without being straightened out were clearly much taller than he was and even still they attached to a giant butt-end resembling that of a spider. Six ferocious eyes stared back at Kenshouu along with an enormous semi furless four armed body much like that of a gorilla. Just behind the beasts’ face Kenshouu could see something glisten in the moonlight and after a moment he saw it for what it was. A long tail that concluded in a single long katana like blade. Even as Ren put more and more distance between them, Kenshouu could feel the fury, the bloodlust, radiating from the beast, pulsating like it had its own heartbeat. It instilled a fear so deep into Kenshouu he prayed never again to encounter a beast such as this.
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Scurrying out of the waterfall, its teeth snarling, drool dripping down its fangs and tusks, the beast peered around looking for its target slowly creeping out. As Kenshouu stared at the creature he felt all the fear of that night as a child return. There before him stood a variation of that exact same creature. This one had a light purple tint to the little fur it had. It was less muscular than the other had been and the blade attached to its tail was like an elegantly crafted dagger that in its entirety resembled a flame. The creatures eyes found its target at last focusing in on him and Kenshouu felt the increase of bloodlust wash over him like the wave of an ocean. His inhilations began to heat up like he was approaching an enormous fire.
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Kenshouu watched in fear as the creature swayed its tail leaning into its enormous scorpion like legs as it pounced off its ledge. His mind racing in desperation looking for options, anything that could save him, but Kenshouu knew he had no chance of defeating this creature, he was going to die, painfully. As the creature flew through the air preparing its tail for the finishing blow, the flame-like dagger glimmering in the moonlight and just as Kenshouu had lost all hope of surviving the night out, the corner of his eye a blinding flash of light shot through Kenshouus’ vision. He turned his head to the left taking a quick glance looking for the source of the light and saw nothing out in the darkness but trees. Quickly returning his vision back to the creature Kenshouus’ mouth fell open in pure shock and amazement. The creature was gone, reduced to a huge pile of hunks of flesh and blood. Standing just beside the pile, a long sheathed blade in hand stood the man, the warrior, Kenshou had been looking for. The man turned his body enough so that he could meet eyes with Kenshouu. When he spoke his tone made his frustration, or disgust clear.
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“Never surrender to anyone child. You will not always be saved.”
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