No Plagiarism!suCx31FZzSGVk8Oqjt7pposted on PENANA
We know our bodies. But do we really know our bodies? "Like the back of my hand" implies you see something so often you know what it looks like with your eyes closed. But do you really know the back of your hand? Seriously, sit and examine the back of your hand—the scars, nicks, moles, birthmarks, lines, hairs, and nails.8964 copyright protection263PENANATM5NIQfrZc 維尼
If you were in a life-or-death situation and had to pick the back of your hand from a selection of similar pictures, can you say you would have lived prior to examining your hand a moment ago?8964 copyright protection263PENANACfsyuqBFFo 維尼