If anyone asked Nyssa when she was younger what she wanted to be when she grew up she would have said an astronaut or even a teacher.
Never an assassin.
But unfortunately for her, that's not how life works. Desires, wishes, and dreams, come last—dead last. And family, they come first. No matter what, even if it means killing for their freedom. For their happiness, even if it means throwing away your own.
The wind outside is blowing with such force, that even the trees are bending. Nyssa watches as branches and leaves fly, even the occasional toy that was left outside. She wasn't worried or scared, in fact, she was bored. Dangerous winds mean no going outside and if she can't go outside she can't go to work and get money for food.
Then she saw it. She would recognize the flag anywhere, anyone would. It was the royal flag. She feels a jolt go through her and she races downstairs taking two steps at a time.
No, no, no.
Those were her only thoughts. A visit from anyone who works for the king is never good. She turns towards the door and sees her dad standing there already. She hears him talking and watches as he leads the king's equerry and two guards into the living room. I watch his face as he looks around in disgust at our space, mismatched furniture, and thin rug. Nyssa makes her hand into a fist and takes three deep breaths and waits to hear what he has to say.
He clears his throat and stays standing "It seems, Mr. Church, that you have broken a law." he says and the blood drains from both the dad and daughter's faces "A very important might I add. So because you have broken this rule you have been scheduled for execution." he signals the guards and they grab Nick Church and restrain him.
Everyone turns to Nyssa and it takes her a second to realize she was the one who screamed. She clears her throat and starts again. Whatever her dad did, whatever, he was not going to jail. He had to take care of her younger sister who at this moment is stuck at her friend's house.
"No." she says more clearly "He didn't do it. I did." she didn't know what she was committing to doing, but she had their attention.
"You? You were the one who murdered the king's best guard?"
The words fail her for a second but she finds them again. "Yes." she glances over at her dad, she knows he won't say otherwise because he knows too that they had to think of Flora. But they don't have to say anything because the equerry, who had never given them his name (How rude), bends over and starts laughing uncontrollably
"You? You're nothing but a child! I bet you can't take down the horse boy, much less the BEST guard!" his face is read and Nyssa finds herself hoping he dies from lack of air. She steps forward.
"If I may, I suggest that I prove that I did it before you kill my father. Give me three days to prepare and I will fight your best guard. No killing."
He sighs "Three days, no later," and with that, he and his guards leave the house and rode away.
She wishes she too left because her father is on her in a second.
"What was THAT? You just signed away your life! For nothing! They'll figure out that you were lying and arrest both of us!" his face is red from anger and she takes a step back.
"Dad." she holds up a hand "I know how to fight."
"WHAT?!" he roars
She flinches and takes another step back. "It's nothing..." she mumbles "Just a little extra money from street fighting..."
"WHAT?!" he roars again, this time even louder and she swears she can hear birds flying away and cawing. He takes a deep breath and rubs the bridge of his nose.
"You better know what your doing," he says