Pass It Along | Penana
Pass It Along
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Pass It Along
Mia Flame
Judging: Creator's Pick
Prompt Entries Comments (101)

This will be interesting....

You are allowed 100 words or less only! If you go over 100 words, you will be disqualified. I'll explain why in a minute.

Ok. I'm going to just write a paragraph to a story. Then, the first entry will have to continue that story with their given 100 words. They will have to stop somewhere in the story. (It can even be in a middle of a sentence.) Then, the next entry will continue that story. And so on and so forth. The person with the most creative section of the story wins.


1. Only 100 words or less.

2. Only one entry per person.

3. No swearing!

4. Nothing inappropriate. Some violence is allowed, just don't go over PG.

Here is the starting section of the story.


I did not believe he would actually do it! But he did! 

My brother won the lottery. One billion bucks.

Just wow.

"So, what is your plan for it all?" my mother asks that night around the dinner table.

"Yes. You've got to have a plan or all this money will just fly out of the window," my dad adds in.

"Well," my brother thinks, "I'm going to put most of it into savings. But first, I want to be able to get us out of this flea sized apartment."


Alright. The first person to add an entry continues this story, then the second person will continue the story off of the first entry. 

This can go anyway you guys want. We could add some gamblers and plane crashes or keep it smooth. Your choice.

Have fun!

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Total Reading Time: 11 minutes
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