Contest - Animal perspective
I keep watch at the window. When my owner gets back, it’s going to be the best! We’re going to play fetch, and they’re going to cuddle me, and it’s going to be perfect. My tail wags at the simple thought, but stops quickly.
I’m so hungry. I want food. I want my owner.
I don’t want to be alone anymore.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see my tennis ball, and my worries are instantly forgotten. Ball! I love my ball! I stand from my position at the window, shake, and joyfully scoop my ball into my mouth. My owner likes to throw this for me! We go to the fields, and we play for hours and hours!
Well, we used to. Recently, our outings to the fields have been shorter and shorter but I don’t mind, I can tell my owner is tired. I’m tired too now. I squeeze the ball in my mouth happily, maybe when my owner gets back we’ll go to the fields and play like we used to. Or, I wouldn’t mind if we didn’t go out and just played ball inside.
Maybe, I wouldn’t mind if we even didn’t play ball at all, maybe we’d just eat and eat and eat until we aren’t hungry anymore. I’m so hungry, it hurts… There’s a bug! I see it! Bug! Bug!
I drop the ball excitedly and trot over to the wall, where I see some strange bug with legs hopping about. Bug! Hey, bug! I bark. This is my house, bug! My owner doesn’t like bugs! I’m Charlie! Do you have a name, bug? Bug! Can I eat you?
Oh, I want food so bad. I need a drink. I need my owner. I forget about the bug.
Soon, they'll be home! I can have a drink soon! This achy, hurty feeling will go away! I know my owner will come back, because they know what the bad feeling is like, I could see the hurt on their face before they left in the big car. I tried to lick it better, but strangers pushed me away, and put my owner in a big car with flashy lights. I love car rides! Me and my owner, we ride in the car together! And go on the best walks to faraway places, one time we went to the beach! We played ball...
I stare out the window. My owner will come back...
Won't they?