Blood on your hands MAKE AN ORIGINAL MONSTER | Penana
Blood on your hands MAKE AN ORIGINAL MONSTER
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Blood on your hands MAKE AN ORIGINAL MONSTER
Judging: Creator's Pick
Prompt Entries Comments (23)

Hey there! 

This contest is my first and is all about ORIGINAL monsters. 

Nothing that already exists. I don't want to see werewolves, vampires, dragons, or anything already created in games or movies (looking at you Witcher!) 

You can use the features of pre-existing animals (like cats whiskers,  bird wings, frogs pouches ect.) but it can't be the main feature. 

A cat that glows or a dog that can fly isn't allowed. Get creative! 

You could make a four legged and one-eyed sunflower beast, a snake with eyes down its body that has scales made of moss, a beast with as many legs as a centipede but is as fluffy as a cat. 

The imagination is yours! 


* Create your own original monster and put it into a captivating story. 

*Must be original. No already existing monsters allowed. 

*I don't mind gore, violence, or swearing. Make it as interesting as you want!

*Put a rating beside your entry name so I know what to expect. This doesn't affect chances. Blood, gore and tonnes of swearing? Rate it R. Happy fields of adventure? Rate it G or PG. 

*No 'monster love' of the sexual kind.  That'll be for another comp😉

*Word count max 2000 words. 

BONUS POINTS (only if you want to!) 

*If the story is told from the monsters point of view. 

*There is blood and gore. 

*A significant other or young family it must protect.

*The monster has a unique name

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Total Reading Time: 17 minutes
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