Messengers Of Olympus Contest | Penana
Messengers Of Olympus Contest
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Messengers Of Olympus Contest
K.A.W Wolfe
Judging: Creator's Pick
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So I am working on the next book of this series, and I need more characters for the book series so I decided to do something really interesting, so if you want one of your OC's/ characters to be part of the book, you can!!! But you have to read the book first if you haven't already read it. Your OC/ Character can be any type of being, it can be humanoid, magical, animal, but the OC/ Character has to fit in the theme of the book. It also has to have a draw reference in your submission, a clear detailed backstory, the OC/Character's personality, and what the OC/Character likes to do. 

Please read the book first before entering this contest, that way you can find a way for your OC/Character with the theme of the book. And yes, the OC/Character can be a demi-god, greek god, but the OC/parent has to have a greek god parent if you are going to make them one of those options.

Thank you for reading this and hope you can enter this contest and enter your amazing submission!!! ;)

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