To Hold the Affections of a Demon | Penana
To Hold the Affections of a Demon
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To Hold the Affections of a Demon
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Rules of the Gergis household:

1. Never look a spirit directly in the eyes

2. Always avoid going near sites of the recently deceased, ominous, and strange

3. Never make the contact of a spirit or any creature that can assume human form

These were the rules that Laila Gergis had always grown up following her entire fifteen years of existence. Despite having a father working as a government magician, she didn’t live in the Magic District. It was because of these rules that her and her parents were able to lead a normal life, free from the politics and troubles that surround the Sehry.

Not a week after her parents mysteriously vanish, Laila decides to throw these rules out the window to find them by taking the hand of a djinn she had been warned never to approach. This encounter causes her to deal with various creatures belonging to folklore and mythology so Laila can find her parents.  

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Total Reading Time: 17 minutes
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