Legends | Penana
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Elia summoned the metal under her skin to re-surface over her neck, more as a reaction then a conscious choice. She found herself able to breath much better, now that the skin of her neck was more durable and resistant to his tightening fingers.

She stared defiantly back into the face of the man whom she thought was a friend, and a good person. The man, who now held her up by her throat.

"You're not going to stop me. Not you, not Edward, and not anyone. I have the coin now, and I will only warn you once, girl. Go back to whatever hole you crawled from, or I'll destroy you, and everyone you know. Even that stupid guardian of your's."

Her gaze flashed to Esmund's spirit, who hovered over her sword which had been kicked aside earlier in their fight. His usually chipper and amused demeanor sagged. No, she thought. The man whom she no longer knew, tossed her aside, as if she was scrap metal. Her whole body cried out upon impact from the numerous cuts and burns she hadn't been fast enough to deflect earlier.

He was walking away. Elia weakly pointed at him.

"You better hope I never find you, because I will make you pay. For all the promises you broke, and all the people you've lied to. I'll make you pay," she repeated, her world beginning to slowly blacken out.

Before she slipped in unconsciousness from blood loss, the last thing she had saw was golden eyes. Golden eyes that used to be warm, but now they were cold, hard, and cynical. 

Author's Note: So. Again, I've re-written this, though this time it's only this part. I figured I am bad at summaries. So, here's something different, and still says the same stuff...Sort of? And I think it's more interesting then giving you facts. c:

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Total Reading Time: 29 minutes
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