This Charming Man | Penana
This Charming Man
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This Charming Man
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How I got the idea: I've been writing this for a few days, on and off, kind of a fantasy of how my life is going to look like (unless I'm not as stupid as the protagonist, but I'm afraid I am). Still keep in mind if there are any offensive statements, that's what he thinks, and part of the character. Don't blame me. 

Will probably contain violence and sex scenes later, not yet though so I might change the rating. Also there will be a lot of drinking because I like to drink. 

Here's your summary:

Rick's name isn't really Rick but it's the first one that came to his mind when he met Heather at the bar a few months ago after running from another failed relationship. Heather is a close friend of Sarah, and Sarah is who Rick believes to be the love of his life. But now their tumultous short-lived romance is in shambles after Rick's deepest, most well-kept secret is revealed. He is in fact a girl, or rather, a not-yet-transitioned transsexual (female to male) but refuses to admit to himself that running from himself and lying to his friends is not the right way.

After a failed attempt at picking up the shards, it's time for a new name, a new place, a new girl. But he can't run forever. His past is catching up to him. And while he's determined to make it work this time, he knows himself he can't keep starting over as many times as he wants. When it all comes crushing down on him again, he has to make a decision.

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Total Reading Time: 12 minutes
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