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𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔲𝔪 𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔰
Heart & Soul Novels
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Endorria's eyes widened and Alex stared as black tendrils of darkness rose from the ground and created a sphere around them. Dark purple Ran through his veins, his skin turning an abnormal black, Void wheezed and Alex pulled him fully out before they tumbled to the ground.
The massive dragon roared its eyes a bright purple, Alex scuffled backwards pulling Void who was passed out with him.

Alex and Void raised their locked hands to the sky continuing "ክዐሠ ጎ ጌቿኗ ዐቻ ሃዐሁ, ፕልጕቿ ፕዘቿቿ የዐጎነዐክቿዕ ጠጎክዕ ልክዕ ነዐሁረ ፕዐ ፕዘቿ ልክኗቿረ ዐቻ ዕቿልፕዘ ልክዕ ረቿፕ ዘጎነ ፕዪልሀቿረ ፕዐ ዘቿረረ ነረዐሠ ልክዕ የልጎክቻሁረ" they hissed, His bones went limp and clattered to the ground.
The bones rattled before taking the shape of a mutated body and disappearing all together, it was silent for a few minutes as Alex and Void's eyes returned to normal and they landed gently on the ground ignoring the blood splattered on the grass.

"Thank you for going through so much with me" void said, Alex smiled.
They stopped in front of the portal and Alex watched the liquid gold in the middle swirl around almost mesmerized, Void squeezed his hand. They stepped up into the crystal steps before void Hugged him tightly, the last embrace they'd ever experience.

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Total Reading Time: 2 hours 11 minutes
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