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Hello! I'm new to Penana. I'm really loving this community though. 

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Siryn, I'm a published author with Deep Desires Press. I have two books with DDP, Louder than Words which is a contemporary novella. The second is my utmost favorite: Incubus Touch, which is also a novella. Incubus Touch is book one in the series and I'm excited for it! Both books are available on Amazon, smashwords, Kobo, and you can find them on Goodreads as well with all available purchase links. 

I'm an LGBT author, dealing with M/M pairings. I write erotica mostly. Fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction are my favored genres. I'm also bisexual. I love dragons! I have quite a few statues of them, it's a collection that is slowly growing. I'm a huge fan of fantasy, and love reading books in that genre. Tolkien is my favorite author and also my inspiration for high fantasy writing. 

I have a twitter account, a FB page, and a website, but I will admit I'm not very good with keeping up with any of those lol ^.^ but if you're so inclined, I will leave links to those pages (just as soon as I figure out how to do that....) I'm so very new to this site :)

I also have two cute kitties. One of which is currently trying to take over my keyboard...

Thanks for reading! I look forward to getting to know you!



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