Perhaps that was in 8th. Or 9th. But I do remember that our teacher was absent that day. And us, like responsible students, pranced around, chased each other, threw stationary and got beaten black and blue cause the projectiles somehow hit a back bencher.
I was as jobless as an Indian minister. So I decided to prank my best friend. Now for those who don't know, a best friend is a person who is the biggest dash-hole you have met (with the exception of Trump. That guy doesn't have a competition). For that prank I followed the oldest trick in the book; spilling water on his chair. I poured the water and patiently waited. My best friend was busy chasing the others. So he would soon be exhausted and would decide to sit. And it happened.
The guys around me scanned closely, breathless. For years, I haven't been so focused. I thought to myself ‘the minute he sits, I shall run.’ My heart pounded loud.
His butt came closer to the chair. Closer. Closer. Clos… but before his butt could make contact with the puddle, he stood up and went back to chasing.
Oh shit!
I waited again. The guys around stared at me, awaiting some result. But nothing expected happened. They soon ran out of enthusiasm. And so did I. And with a heavy heart, I plopped down on the seat closest to me. I kinda felt something weird.
My pants were wet.
Oh shit!
Moral : Karma is a bi... a female dog