Down the Rabbit Hole, Above in the Sky Seas | Penana
Down the Rabbit Hole, Above in the Sky Seas
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Down the Rabbit Hole, Above in the Sky Seas
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This is a blog for my personal reflections. Strangely, they tend to take the form of short stories and poetry. Most of them are inspired by fantasy, real life issues and mythology. 

Most of my already completed work is available on The Writing Den (https://aiweiwritingden.wordpress.com but I will share some of them here, and also create new pieces here. 

Writing, reading, stories and narrative-weaving is a process akin to tumbling down the rabbit hole. Just like Alice, we don't know what to expect and even when we do have an inkling of what's to come it may contradict our very predictions - writing, and creating, is just like that sometimes. And that's what makes it exciting. 

I hope you enjoy! And thank you for visiting. 


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